Do you feel constantly tired, do you sleep badly, and transfer your work problems to your home? Excessive stress, which has become part of our everyday life, has a destructive effect on us. Relax, we know how to control it …
Fight or run
Let’s go back to the past – long, long ago, stress made our lives easier. Without adrenaline, noradrenaline, elevated heart rate, rapid breathing and dilated pupils, our ancestor would not have hunted a moose. And he probably wouldn’t have sprinkled before a bear. The “fight or flight” response that occurs automatically in times of terror has always helped man cope with dangers, including deadly dangers in the outside world. Unfortunately, today stress has become a permanent part of our lives and instead of mobilizing us to act, it has become our enemy. It makes us burn out professionally, stay awake at night, and stop enjoying our private life. But that’s not all – strong and long-lasting stress has a serious impact on our health. It not only adversely affects the immune system and increases susceptibility to infections, but also promotes the development of chronic diseases.
Biology of stress
Most of us associate the stress reaction with the infamous “killer hormone” or cortisol. However, the biology of stress is much more complicated. On the slogan “danger!” our brain sends alarm signals to all endocrine glands that produce hormones. The most important role is played by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPAA) -adrenal axis. They secrete three stress hormones: those responsible for the fight-or-flight response: adrenaline and noradrenaline, as well as cortisol, which increases blood glucose levels and accelerates the breakdown of fatty acids into ketone bodies. These hormones only have a positive effect on one condition – if the stress is short-lived, that is, for a certain period of time and in small amounts. The more stress, tension or overexertion, the easier it is to overload the HPAA axis, endocrine dysregulation and adrenal fatigue. Adrenaline, which mainly affects the circulatory system, is the greatest risk for people with high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias. Due to the increase in heart rate, tachycardia and tachyarrhythmia, including tachycardia, which are life-threatening, can develop. In turn, a high level of cortisol disrupts the immune system, adversely affects areas of the brain, including the hippocampus responsible for memory, and also contributes to the development of abdominal obesity. Norepinephrine, a hormone that causes an increased appetite for carbohydrates, especially sweets, is responsible for the feeling of “wolf hunger”.
Synergy in a nutshell
We’re not going to cheat you – stress is life. According to statistics, 80 percent. of us live in constant tension. Most often we are concerned with work, private life and a budget that is not tight. The negative effects we experience are fatigue, resignation, distraction and late nights. We cannot avoid stressful situations, but we can minimize their devastating effects. A box of ice cream, i.e. eating emotions or reaching for stimulants, is a shortcut that will not solve our problems. In addition to sports and relaxation exercises, it is worth taking care of the balance from the inside. Adrenal-Intercell by Mito Pharma will help us in this, a product recommended for chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep problems, fatigue caused by prolonged nervous tension or a decrease in work efficiency. In the composition of the preparation, you will find nutrients, the resources of which usually decrease drastically in the event of excessive stress. That is vitamin C, which is a strong antioxidant and the key to longevity, B vitamins (B6, B12), which increase mental performance, as well as deficient minerals: magnesium and zinc. The first one relieves nervousness, removes fatigue, and improves memory and concentration. The second is responsible for supporting a good mood and acts as a natural antidepressant. Adrenal-Intercell also contains amino acids that support thyroid function and are involved in the production of hormones, and standardized Rhodiola rosea extract, known as the “golden root”. The plant belongs to the group of adaptogens increases physical performance, reduces susceptibility to stress and improves well-being. All ingredients of the preparation have been closed in an innovative capsule consisting only of plant cellulose and water. Vitamins for the nervous system and preparations for memory and concentration will also help us overcome distractions and fatigue, as well as improve the work of the brain.
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