How should a man wash his intimate area? Urologist: not all men know how to do this

Intimate hygiene also applies to men. It’s like an obvious matter, but probably not all men know about it. However, it is not only washing, but also self-examination. It affects both the penis and the testicles. – Testicular cancer is a very aggressive cancer, and if properly treated in the early stages – it is practically 100% curable. And untreated, unfortunately, it leads to death – warns urologist Dr. Przemysław Dudek, deputy head of the Department of Urology and Urology Oncology at the University Hospital in Krakow, specialist at the SCM clinic in Krakow.

  1. Hygiene of male intimate places is very simple and at the same time very important
  2. We should wash ourselves and do it thoroughly. Pull off the foreskin and also wash the glans, says urologist Przemysław Dudek
  3. Neglect can end up with very unpleasant consequences
  4. Inflammation can lead to a fatal disease or partial or complete amputation of the penis, warns Dudek
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Adrian Dąbek, Medonet: Speaking of intimate hygiene, it is most often done in the context of women. But this also applies to men.

Dr Przemysław Dudek, specialist in urology: The gentlemen’s intimate hygiene is very important. And it is also very important to spread the torch of education in this field. Although in recent years it is much better. Better than 20 years ago, for example. Civilization is doing its job.

How should we, gentlemen, care for an intimate place?

It is a very simple matter for men. We should wash ourselves and do it thoroughly. Carefully slide the foreskin back and also wash the glans. Because not all men know that the foreskin can be pulled back, wash the glans and the groove so that the mastics do not collect there. Mastka, or exfoliated epithelium that accumulates there and remains there, especially in men who have phimosis, i.e. a problem with sliding off the foreskin, is carcinogenic. What many men don’t know is that this can lead to penile cancer, which is a very bad cancer. So, contrary to appearances, our hygiene is very much needed. It is not only about the smell to look and smell nice, but also about our health. The inflammation that can develop there due to the unremoved masthead can lead to fatal disease or partial or complete amputation of the penis.

Pictures showing the effects of neglect at this point really appeal to the imagination.

This is actually a topic for a separate conversation. Unfortunately, some of us are ashamed of the situation when something appears on the penis. And sometimes, when some people come to the doctor, it is already a dramatic moment. Because it’s a bit of a vicious cycle of sickness. The worse something looks, the more we are ashamed to show it. Often times, it has to come to an already terrible state to force the man to see a doctor.

And in the early stages, such a tumor is curable. The operations are very organ-saving, they keep practically the entire organ. Sometimes only the foreskin is removed at low stages of the disease. And that is enough. So you have to watch this place, see it and go to urologist consultations. It is imperative to keep everything hygienic, remove the foreskin and wash with ordinary soap.

Gentlemen should also use intimate hygiene fluids?

I think these are more of an advertising gimmick. I myself do not look for such liquids in drugstores or cosmetics stores, because while such liquids make sense in women due to the fact that it is associated with beneficial bacteria with an appropriate pH there, in men it is only skin. There is no mucosa that could have been inhabited by such bacteria. We have ordinary skin bacteria, so plain soap, which is uncomplicated, is best. The less chemistry the better. However, it is important to use this soap at all.

So if a woman’s partner uses her fluid, it won’t bring him much.

It doesn’t matter. Well, unless we do not have soap at our disposal, we can persuade our wife or partner to use such a liquid. Otherwise, soap will suffice.

Self-examination of these places is also an element of male hygiene.

It is very important. Viewing your penis is important to make sure nothing is happening there. This applies to lumps, pimples, and sexually transmitted diseases. We can see condylomas more and more often there. Specific skin changes occur less frequently, such as with syphilis, which is rare, but still is, and we are starting to notice an increase in the incidence of this disease again.

Testing of the testicles is very important, especially in young men, but also in the prime of life. Twice a month, we should examine the testicles, while bathing or showering, when we have warm water, the scrotum is then relaxed and the testicles are easily accessible. Run a finger to see if everything is okay and there are no sclerosis to suggest that there is something wrong with testicular cancer. Testicular cancer is a very aggressive neoplasm, and if properly treated in the early stages, it is practically 100% curable. And if left untreated, it unfortunately leads to death.

What type of underwear is the most suitable for men?

In this case, it’s all about fertility. So we should use airy, relatively loose underwear, even though all these crimping briefs look good. However, it is not about the appearance, but about the temperature. The testicles should be slightly cooler than the rest of the body. That’s why they’re in the scrotum, not in the abdomen. A lower temperature has a better effect on sperm production, and this is crucial. Underwear should be airy, as natural as possible, without unnecessary chemicals and artificial additives. Of course, if we play sports, it is important that we do not rub in there, so then it can be tighter. But in general, the more slack the better.

Natural materials. I use cotton, it is the best, although there are no studies showing that artificial additives can have a negative effect on our skin.

And walking without panties, only in pants?

In my opinion, it doesn’t matter, although wearing trousers only has to do with hygiene. That is why panties were invented so that our pants do not get dirty. We probably don’t wash pants every day, we should wash our pants more often. However, it does not matter in general, even men nowadays go without panties more often than they used to.

Sleeping naked or in panties or pajamas – does it matter for men?

I think there are as many votes for and against it. Someone there may say that in the former case, the stool particles may appear and become dirty, but it does not matter that much.

And how to take care of the hygiene of intimate places when traveling, when we cannot always wash ourselves?

We always have the option to wash ourselves. Unless we’re in the middle of the desert. There is no place where you cannot wash yourself. In my childhood, when I was walking in the mountains, you could wash yourself in a stream. Of course, it required self-denial, because the water was only a few degrees, but it was easy to do. It is a matter of our will. However, if one day happens without washing these places, nothing bad will happen. But more and more often you see available showers at gas stations or airports. So it’s really hard for me to imagine a place where it couldn’t be done. If not places of civilization, we can always find at least a flowing stream.

Wet wipes work in such situations?

It is also such an invention of recent years. And it’s a cool alternative, definitely nicer than toilet paper. Although I mean more around the anus than the male organs. Contrary to appearances, these areas need to be treated very gently, because there may be various abrasions, disturbances of the epidermis, and it is not a particularly clean area. Especially in people with diabetes who are immunocompromised. There may be infections or abscesses around the anus. And in extreme cases, it can lead to Fournier’s gangrene. So we have to take care of this place, not squeeze any pimples. If something appears, come to a specialist and show it. Administration of an antibiotic or ointment is sometimes sufficient in these circumstances. Wet wipes are really great stuff. They are more delicate and do not predispose to chafing, as is the case with toilet paper, especially the poorer quality one. However, let’s remember about ecology – they must be biodegradable wipes – more and more often we hear about a huge problem for the environment, which is toned down by wet, but still artificial, handkerchiefs.

Fournier’s gangrene. That sounds pretty nasty. It will be something to frighten or warn our readers.

This is a dramatic thing. This is necrotic inflammation of the fascia of the perineum. A nightmare disease, very difficult to heal and burdened with enormous mortality, in extreme cases up to 80%. So if something happens, we have a swollen testicle, some redness on the perineum or around the anus, pain that may be the result of an abscess, it is worth contacting a proctologist or urologist with something like that.

The temperatures that prevail outside the window should encourage greater hygiene and more frequent visits there?

Definitely. In high temperatures, especially strong men, can rub in different places, so we need to increase our attention. Anyway, this is probably what we are striving for, or at least we should. After work, we take a shower, before going to bed, also before going to work, after a bike ride. Before we go out to people, colleagues, clients or patients.

Do you suspect an infection in your intimate area? At Medonet Market you will find the urogenital package for intimate diseases caused by 7 pathogens that can cause infections in women and men.

That’s one more question. Are there any medical indications for depilation of male intimate zones?

I was wondering about that too. And I figured guys had this hair for something. It has recently been said in the case of women that they provide a certain protection of intimate places and maintain an appropriate bacterial flora, a kind of pillow that protects against injuries. Probably the same for men. There are no medical indications, although you should know that intensive shaving is not recommended, for example, before operations. It is recommended to trim with a razor rather than to shave the skin. Because it is conducive to various types of cuts or scratches, and this in turn may cause worse wound healing, for example in the abdominal area. Wounds heal worse than in cases where these places are clipped with a hairdresser. And this may also apply to intimate areas. But there is no special scientific evidence for this.

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