How salmon tastes different from salmon: fish, difference
Knowing how salmon differs from salmon will help you make the right fish menu. Opinions about the difference between these species are divided. Someone is in search of real salmon, while others are sure that the differences in the names are nothing more than a marketing ploy.
The existence of a difference in names
The confusion has arisen due to the fact that the name “salmon” is collective. It includes several species of fish belonging to the salmon family. Pacific and real salmon are common on the shelves.
To find out how salmon differs from salmon, you need to study the salmon family
Chum salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon or sockeye salmon can be sold under the name “Pacific salmon”. The standard salmon, presented as “real”, are salmon and trout.
Salmon are caught in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, as well as in northern rivers. Salmon spawning grounds are located in the Far Eastern regions of Russia. This particular species is considered to be of the highest quality.
Salmon has always been considered a delicacy. Its meat has a balanced aftertaste, and caviar is prized for its rich composition. Gastronomically, it is recognized as the best among salmon. It is used to cook steaks and fillets. Large bones are suitable for cooking soups. The meat is sold raw, salted, canned and smoked.
Atlantic salmon spawn in the northern regions. On the territory of Russia, he swims through the northern rivers near the Kola Islands, moving towards European countries. There are many lacustrine salmon species in Karelia.
Atlantic species prefer mild climates and relatively warm waters. They live in the Gulf Stream region, where fisheries are successfully developing. In Russia’s cold climate, raising salmon is more difficult.
The temperature of the water in the Barents Sea, where the fish move, is too cool for them
The climate in Norway creates excellent conditions for Atlantic fish. It multiplies rapidly, gains weight well and grows actively. Its meat has a delicate taste and balanced fat content. In Russian conditions, such high quality indicators cannot be achieved.
When choosing meat, buyers pay attention to its shade. For some manufacturers, it is bright and rich, almost red. Others have a delicate and pale color. It is a mistake to assume that chemical dyes are used in production. The color depends on the amount of shrimp that the fish ate.
On Russian counters, most of the imported varieties of salmon are presented. The supplies come from the Faroe Islands, where this population is thriving in abundance.