How safe in the car with Baby?

Safety rules in the car

Whatever the number of your little ones, certain “details” on the choice of the vehicle are worth the blow to be underlined! Especially since, for their safety, nothing should be the result of chance …

More and more safe cars …

Good news: since the technical inspection is compulsory for cars over four years old, no unpleasant surprises if you opt for a used car!

Some tips to guide you through the 4-wheel jungle:

Opt for a “five-door”: not only is it much safer than a “three-door” (in the event of a problem, the people behind can get out), but you can place Baby in the back without having to. to contort yourself!

A raised (or “high”) car is also very practical to install the child (or children), and there, your back will say thank you!

Also think about the trunk: as big as possible! You will see that with the foldable bed, the stroller and the many accessories of Baby (without counting your own suitcases), it is quickly filled.

If you choose a “MPV”, check that it has sliding doors on the right as well as on the left. Because it is not always easy to park on the side where you can clear Baby!



The “little extras”

 Air conditioning: this is a plus that should not be overlooked in order to always be at the right temperature! Protect the vehicle and its occupants from excessive heat (sun visor, towel stuck in the window, etc.) but above all, be careful to adjust the air conditioning in your car. Badly regulated, it can be for Baby at the origin of otorhinous disorders …

 Automatic door closing / opening system: much more practical than a key when you want to open the door and hold your baby in your arms!

 Vehicles equipped with bottle holder or small shelves on the back of the front seat (like in the train!) For playing or drawing!

 Seat belts in all places (5 places = 5 belts!)

 Find out: some cars are fitted with anti-shock windshields, which are unlikely to shatter if a stone gets lodged in them …

To ensure the safety of Baby in the car, the purchase of a car seat is essential. To help you make the right choice, read our test bench …

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