Railways OJSC is one of the largest employers in our country. The company employs over 740 thousand people, of which 240 thousand work at computers in the office
Deploy an infrastructure for remote access in all subjects where Russian Railways operates, allocate additional servers, and effectively distribute the load. Ensure that industry and corporate services are available on home computers with enhanced protection. Provide access to service communications using IP-telephony.
Background and motivation
In addition to standard programs, office workers use automated industry jobs, programs and services that require uninterrupted operation and increased information security measures. Russian Railways has been testing remote work technology since 2018. But in a pandemic, it was necessary to transfer office employees to remote work as soon as possible.
Most of the remote workstations are organized on personal computers through connection to office personal computers via “remote desktop” using ViPNet cryptographic protection and the SafeInspect control system. Additional servers have been allocated to redistribute the load in all regions of the company’s presence.
In March 2020, lists of users were prepared whose duties allow them to work remotely, and the needs for additional equipment were identified. Developed connection diagrams, instructions for self-connection. Employees were provided with Kaspersky Lab anti-virus programs. A lot of work has been done to unite the remote support departments. To ensure the continuous operation of technologically important subdivisions, remote access complexes have been installed in the workers’ homes.
The results
More than 110 (45%) office employees across the entire network of 16 railways were transferred to remote work within a month without stopping and reducing the efficiency of work processes while maintaining information security.
Plans for the future
The possibility of maintaining the format of remote work for some employees is being considered. Classes of the Training Center, the Distance Learning Center and training for a number of departments will continue in a remote format, which will improve the level of professional training without interrupting the main activity.

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