Rosehip thickens or thins the blood – depends on how the plant is used. You can use different parts of the shrub for both purposes.
Rosehip thickens or thins the blood
In the recipes of traditional medicine, you can find conflicting information. Some algorithms for the preparation of medicines suggest using rose hips for thickening, others for thinning the blood mass.
Both types of recipes really work. It is true that rose hips thicken the blood, but for medicinal purposes, you need the roots or shoots of the plant. They are rich in vitamin K and contribute to the synthesis in the body of compounds responsible for clotting. But infusions and decoctions on berries contain an increased amount of ascorbic acid, due to which they thin the blood and accelerate its passage through the vessels.

Rosehip-based products are beneficial for migraines and problems with thermoregulation
How does rosehip decoction affect the blood: thickens or thins
A decoction of dried wild rose berries thins the blood. The drink is recommended for use with varicose veins, a tendency to thrombophlebitis and high blood pressure. You can prepare it like this:
- Dry fruits in the amount of half a glass are washed and rid of the tails.
- In an enamel pan, pour 5 liters of boiling water and put on the stove.
- Boil for 5 minutes on the slowest fire.
- Leave closed for 5-7 hours at room temperature.
After the lapse of time, the remedy is filtered and taken half a glass up to three times a day.
With hypotension and poor clotting, it is recommended to use a drink from the roots and bark of the plant. Such a drug thickens the blood and is beneficial for gum disease, heavy periods in women, during the recovery period after surgery. The cooking algorithm looks like this:
- The dry roots of the plant are crushed in the amount of two large spoons.
- Brew 1 liter of fresh boiling water.
- Place on a slow fire and simmer for two minutes.
- Remove from the stove and insist another two hours under the lid.
The filtered preparation is also consumed 100-150 ml three times a day.

It is better to drink decoctions of wild rose roots on an empty stomach, but not in a state of severe hunger.
Rosehip infusion thins or thickens the blood
The impact on the body of wild rose infusion also depends on what parts of the plant it is prepared from. With increased clotting, traditional medicine advises making a drug from fruits. The recipe is the following:
- 25 washed whole berries are placed in a thermos.
- Pour the fruits with 1 liter of fresh boiling water and let the steam come out.
- Tighten the lid tightly and leave the thermos overnight at room temperature.
- In the morning, filter the resulting infusion through cheesecloth.
A drink prepared according to this algorithm thins the blood when consumed no more than three times a day, approximately 1/2 cup.
When used as a raw material of dry roots, the plant thickens the blood. The recipe is pretty much the same:
- The rhizome of the shrub is ground in a blender or coffee grinder to a powder state.
- Measure 100 g of raw materials and pour 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos.
- Leave the solution closed for 10-12 hours, and then filter.
Drink the drink up to four times a day in small portions of only 125 ml.

Rosehip medicinal infusions are recommended to be taken without interruption for no longer than a week.
Rosehip thickens or thins the blood, depending on the raw material chosen for processing. The woody parts of the plant increase clotting, while the berries have the opposite effect.