The once attractive royal lady has turned into a monster due to plastic surgery.
The Spanish aristocrat, Duchess of Alba is one of the most titled and eccentric women in history. A lover of luxury, unusual outfits and plastic surgeries, she lived her whole life, being loved by her family and all the inhabitants of Spain. Cayetana Fitz-James Stewart was born into a noble and wealthy family and was an only child.
Possessing a bright beauty, young Cayetana, having reached the age of 21, married the aristocrat Luis Martinez de Irujo. In a happy marriage, the couple had six children. However, contrary to expectations, the happiness of the lovers did not last forever: after 25 years of marriage, Alba’s husband passed away. For a long time, the Duchess was alone, trying to come to terms with her loss. But six years later, she remarried, this time the former Jesuit priest Jesus Aguirre, who was nine years younger than his wife, became the chosen one of Cayetana. Rumor has it that it was because of him that the noble person became an ardent fan of plastic surgery. Indeed, in order to look young in the eyes of her husband, Caetana had to go to the surgeons’ table more than once.
With husband Luis Martinez de Irujo
With second spouse Jesus Aguirre
The exact number of all operations performed by the Duchess cannot be counted. According to some reports, she changed the shape of her nose, lips, repeatedly did face and neck lifts, and resorted to Botox injections. It is easy to see that such cosmetic manipulations did not have the best effect on the appearance of the aristocrat. The once attractive and noble appearance has undergone radical changes, after which Alba is almost impossible to recognize. However, Caetana did not care about impartial statements about her appearance in the press. She, as before, led a habitual way of life: she surrounded herself with objects of art, collected exclusive paintings and actively attended social events.
Before and after plastic surgery
After 29 years of marriage, the Duchess’s husband passed away. Caetana spent ten years alone until she met a simple civil servant Alfonso Diez, who became her third and last husband. The children of the duchess opposed their marriage, because the chosen one was younger than Caetana by as much as 24 years. In order to gain understanding from the children, the duchess decided to immediately divide her impressive fortune between the heirs. Alfonso was warned even before the wedding that if Caetana died, he would not receive anything. However, this fact did not bother him at all: Diez repeatedly noted that he fell in love with Caetana not for her richest fortune and titles, but for her activity and vitality.
This unequal marriage lasted three years, until the death of the duchess. As promised, Alba’s fortune, estimated at € 3,5 billion (more than 315 billion rubles), was distributed among six children and grandchildren. The death of Alba became a real tragedy for the whole of Spain, where she was truly loved and respected.