How pets from the shelters of star moms and dads have changed

How pets from the shelters of star moms and dads have changed

Give someone purebred puppies and kittens from the best kennels, and someone takes the kids from the street, literally saving their lives. We have collected just those celebrities who are not alien to mercy towards homeless animals.

Literally every step of the American model is watched by the paparazzi. And at the same time, behind the by no means a model step of a dog named Colombo. Ratajkowski took the mongrel from the shelter and the puppy immediately became an Instagram star.

“Everyone here gives birth to children, and we also have a new wonderful guy,” the girl wrote on the social network.

Colombo has already had his own army of fans who are happy to follow his pranks. And at the same time they look at the mistress of the cheerful dog. And he uses Emily’s unconditional love: she indulges Columbo in everything, even allows him to lie on their bed with her husband.

Alexander Petrov

The two-time Golden Eagle award winner encourages his fans to take part in helping the unfortunate pets.

“You can find yourself a friend with four legs and a tail,” the actor writes. He himself showed touching affection for the kitty Samantha and took her home. Perhaps, he has never received so many “be-be-bears” in the comments. Grateful Sam (as Alexander calls the kitten) even supports him in playing table football, not to mention posing for touching photos.

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The Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry resigned from their royal duties in March 2020, renounced titles and privileges. But Meghan Markle continues to support projects in the UK. The Mayhew charity organization, which rescues stray dogs and cats, remained under her unofficial patronage. Megan herself helps the animals that were left without owners. She took two dogs for herself, who seem to be very proud of their owner. A dog named Guy is said to have befriended Queen Elizabeth II. And the new friend from the orphanage – a black Labrador – is just enjoying the territory of a large mansion, bought on Victoria Island (Canada) for $ 14 million.

The Serb who conquered Russia is inspired by Russian literature. The star of “Kholopa” admits that Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Lermontov are his handbooks. Milos reads in solitude – in the mountains of Serbia, where he bought an old house and land. In our time, when theaters do not work and films are not made, he started building a house and brought new tenants there. The actor “prepared” and “acheived” the abandoned animals. To look at this family is one satisfaction. That is, a pleasure in translation from Serbian.

The main handsome man of the national cinema has always dreamed of a Labrador, but fate twice threw him unfortunate puppies on the roads of Georgia. Outbreds, of course. Recently, Kozlovsky told how he and his colleague Leroy saved a baby from under the wheels of a car, whom the girl named Tbiliso Sikhvaruli. Danila could not take him home, because he already has a favorite, Pear. And, according to the artist, she is better than a fashionable Labrador. Now the dog, known to everyone by the hashtags “grushakosmos”, pays its owner with sensitivity, devotion, tenderness and kindness. After all, living in a loving family is much more pleasant than on the track.

The talented actress teaches her two daughters to be merciful. In mid-April, they found a wounded cat near their home.

“My Masha sobbed a beluga that the kitty would die … We took the wet and screaming cat home. In the morning they took me to the veterinarian, washed, passed all the tests. Shaved the wool that rolled off. Cleaned from worms, did an x-ray. Now Lilya is at home, ”the newly-made hostess shared the video.

It turned out that Lily – that was the name of the cat – had a long-standing spinal injury and problems with her paws. Julia was looking for wheels to move the animal, there were many reviews. No doubt the wounded beast fell into good hands. 

The winner of two Oscars married the beautiful Amal Alamuddin in 2014. But one love already lived in his house – the dog Einstein. The actor saved the Cocker Spaniel from certain death in 2010. The dog was ill with obesity, and they wanted to put him to sleep at the shelter if they did not find a new owner. There is a legend that the actor smeared the soles with steak so that the dog would pay attention to him. Einstein became a constant companion of the actor, they even starred together in advertising for Swiss watches. The Clooney family has more than once “adopted” stray puppies. They now have a Basset Hound named Millie and another Cocker Spaniel named Louis.  

Elena Yakovleva has not yet boasted of photographs of the new tenant. But he gladly uploads portraits of other pets to Instagram.

The famous actress is an active participant in the international charity fund for helping animals “Giving Hope”. She takes part in various actions, rescues unfortunate pets and keeps four dogs at home: Tierus, Alex, Yutas and a newcomer Ragged Belly live with her. The latter was practically snatched from the hands of allergic acquaintances who wanted to take the English Bulldog to an orphanage. Yakovleva complains that the dog has such a low belly that he clings to all the snags on the street, so he was nicknamed Torn Puzo.  

The famous animal protector has several dogs. She pulled everyone out of trouble. The other day, the singer said that even in quarantine, they brought her a puppy, which she, of course, took in. To her millions of Instagram followers, Gomez announced that she had a new pet. “Everyone’s favorite Vinnie is here too,” she said, referring to her second dog, which she got last year, “and I would like to introduce you to my new relative, Daisy! Puppies get along very well. I know several friends who would like to give the animals a safe place. But I could not help myself and kept the puppy for myself. Right? “

When the Canadian actor visited a Houston animal shelter, he wasn’t looking for a pet for himself. He was trying to find a dog for his friend Steve. Steve is paralyzed, and his wonderful dog died, who helped him in everything. Ryan found a chocolate labrador for a friend. But there was another puppy at the shelter, from which the actor literally could not take his eyes off. “I saw this big, stupid Labrador staring at me,” Reynolds later said. “I whispered to him,“ Hey, let’s get the hell out of here. He jumped up, as if he understood human language, and followed me into the car. Since then, we are best friends with a dog named Baxter. “

Looking at the ex-“Brilliant”, which is now hosting the show “Dom-2”, you will never say that she is an ardent protector of animals. Such a devoted fighter for the happiness of every homeless dog is still to be looked for. Olga more than once rescued the wounded and sick animals, settled them in her own place and did not disdain to take care of the shabby dogs, who had taken their wandering life in full.

Now the TV presenter has five dogs at home. The last “adopted” by her pet – Shena – was simply transformed beyond recognition in four months of her loving mistress’s life.

“She is very old, she has five bullets, she has a huge inoperable tumor, breast cancer with metastases in the lungs, sarcoptic mange and many skin diseases. No teeth, – Olga described Shena’s condition. “I don’t know how much she has left, but I know for sure that she will never return to the street.”

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