How Pets Are Changing Our Lives: 3 Scientific Reasons

How Pets Are Changing Our Lives: 3 Scientific Reasons

It turns out that pets are able to influence us in a magical way, improving the mental and physical condition of their owners.

Why do we have such a strong bond with our pets? There are many people who talk about their “fluffy kids” with the same love as parents talk about their real babies. On social media accounts dedicated to pets often gain millions of followers, and videos of cat games go viral.

There are reasons for this: pets can help their owners both physically and mentally. And this is confirmed by science.

Protect us from physical ailments

In a study published in the journal Circulation, the American Heart Association writes that pet owners are less likely to suffer from heart disease. The exact nature of the link between heart disease and having an animal in the home is unclear. Perhaps because the level of physical activity among dog owners is higher than among those who do not have a dog. After all, like it or not, but with a dog you need to go outside for a walk at least twice a day. We walk the animal, and it walks us.

In addition, pets can reduce stress. Seals are especially strong here, even their purr magically affects the human nervous system.

Have a beneficial effect on the emotional background

Our pets can be an additional source of support when we are struggling with emotional issues. They are always ready to hug, listen, warm, never criticize. Even self-willed cats feel when the owner really needs their warmth, and will never turn away at a difficult moment. But they know how to do it like no other.  

In a recent study on depression treatment, researchers looked at the relationship between the severity of the disorder’s symptoms and pets. Experts compared 33 participants in an experiment with depression who brought a cat or dog after diagnosis, and the same number of participants who did not. Those who got a pet got rid of depression in half the time.

Relieve loneliness

We are united with other people by common interests. When we walk our dog, we see friends, neighbors, or strangers doing the same. A pet is a great opportunity to start a conversation, no wonder that dog owners get to know each other every now and then. And someone even meets their soul mate. At the same time, whenever this happens, it is the dogs that are a strong motivation to leave the house. Without the dog, a person would most likely spend this evening at home on the couch.

In a 2015 study, experts interviewed residents of four cities to ask if they knew their neighbors. It turned out that those who have pets got to know their neighbors much more often than those who had no pets. So fluffy babies are doing a really important job – they save us from social isolation and even help to improve our personal life.

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