How onions and potatoes affect stomach cancer

Attempts to establish how to eat in order to reduce the risk of such a dangerous and, unfortunately, common disease like cancer, have been going on for a long time. So, it has already been established which 5 sweets provoke this disease, as well as what effect turmeric has on cancer cells. 

And new research by Chinese scientists proves that regular consumption of such affordable foods as potatoes and onions significantly reduces the risk of cancer, in particular, stomach cancer. 

According to, experts from Zhejiang University studied the results of 76 studies that described the relationship between the daily diet and stomach cancer. Experts have found that people who regularly consume potatoes and onions are one third less likely to suffer from stomach cancer and other stomach diseases. It’s all about vitamin C, which is contained in these foods.

It should be noted that the presence of pickles and alcohol in the daily diet, on the contrary, increases the risk of developing a dangerous disease.


Recall that earlier we talked about 7 rules that make French people so beautiful and healthy, and also talked about why tea bags should be used with great care.

Be healthy!

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