How often to massage: advice from a massage therapist. Video
Massage, a mechanical effect on the surface of the body using various techniques, can have a different purpose – from erotic and cosmetic to therapeutic. In the case when it is made purposefully and has medical indications, there are restrictions on the frequency of courses and sessions, as in the case of using any drug.
Types of massage: how often to massage
Therapeutic massage, its types and frequency
The following types of massage belong to therapeutic ones:
- classic
- acupressure or point
- segmental reflex
- connective tissue
- periosteal
- lymphatic drainage
- hardware
- visceral
Classical massage is the most popular type, for which stroking, vibration, rubbing and kneading are mainly used. By performing these techniques in a certain sequence, the desired effect is achieved – relaxation or increased tone, improved tissue nutrition. General massage is performed in 10 sessions daily or every other day for an hour, one zone is massaged for 15 minutes. If you want, you can do it monthly or every two months.
Children from 2 months to one year old need to do at least 4 courses of fortifying classical massage, 10 sessions each
Acupressure massage is done according to the Chinese technology, known and described many centuries ago. It is aimed at restoring the normal and unhindered circulation of the vital energy Qi by influencing specific biologically active points, each of which is associated with a specific internal organ. It is done by specially trained massage therapists who are certified in acupuncture. A session usually lasts half an hour, in total for the course they need to be done 10-15. The effect of this massage lasts six months. With segmental reflex massage, a targeted effect on biologically active zones located over the entire surface of the body is added to the classical techniques. The number of sessions for one course is 10-12, you can repeat them in 1-2 months.
Connective tissue massage, the action of which is aimed at stimulating blood circulation in the connective tissues and subcutaneous tissue, is performed by pressing certain points located in problem areas for a while. It is performed for 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a week.
How many sessions to spend during the course and when it should be repeated can only be determined by a doctor, as well as visceral massage, in which the internal organs are massaged through the abdominal wall
As a result of lymphatic drainage massage, lymph flows out both throughout the body and from its individual parts. The course of treatment includes 10-15 sessions lasting 30 minutes, it is necessary to repeat the course in 3-4 months.
Periosteal massage, in terms of the degree of influence and the techniques used, is similar to the segmental-reflex massage, but its action is directed specifically at the musculoskeletal system. The places where the nerve trunks exit, the spinous processes of the vertebrae, and the bones of the skull are subjected to massage. It is done every six months for 10 sessions, each of which lasts 10-15 minutes.
For hardware massage, special devices are used: pneumatic vibration, vacuum, ionizing, ultrasonic, as well as applicators, medical cans and rollers. Depending on the area of influence, a session can last from 15 to 30 minutes, the course is 10–15 sessions. You can repeat it every 3-4 months.
A cosmetic facial massage can be done daily before applying cosmetics. Makeup artists believe that makeup should only be applied to the skin prepared in this way.
Other types of massage can be classified as relaxing, they include the famous Thai, and erotic and relaxation. Some of them are designed to relieve stress, some – also to arouse sexual desire, but they all calm the central nervous system, helping to relax much more effectively than just passive rest. If possible, you can do them as often as necessary, but when you are constantly under stress, you need to repeat courses of 10 sessions monthly or at least once every 2 months.
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