How often should you eat?

5 times a day or 3? Let’s look at examples why the frequency is not so important and why it may not work.

Most of the materials that deal with the fight against excess weight give an important role to the diet. At the same time, the “usual”, three-time regimen is not considered, but fractional meals 4-5 times a day are considered correct. It is he who is called the most productive in the struggle for a beautiful figure. Changes also apply to the time of eating: breakfast is put at the forefront and you are allowed to eat whatever your heart desires, and what is eaten after 6 pm will certainly remain in the most problematic places.

In fact, scientific research suggests that the main thing is the number of calories consumed during the day. In this case, the frequency of food intake does not play a special role.

What to Avoid: Insidious consumption of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (these include sugar, flour products, sweets). Eating such foods leads to a quick feeling of fullness, which will soon pass, causing a feeling of mild weakness, which most people mistake for hunger. This is the main reason for the search for sweet snacks.

What is the right time to eat? Research suggests the following: the timing of meals does not affect metabolism. That is, a hearty breakfast does not accelerate it, and refusing breakfast does not cause a slowdown in metabolism.

Why do frequent tricks work? Despite all the arguments, fractional meals in small portions still bring results. But this effect is due to the fact that a person begins to carefully monitor nutrition and consumed foods, excluding high-calorie foods.

How many times a day do you need to eat to gain weight? There is an opinion among bodybuilders that it is useless to consume more than 30 grams at one meal. protein – it will not be digested. There is some truth in this theory: an excess of protein in the diet does reduce the proportion of its absorption. However, there is no upper limit for a single protein intake. When gaining mass, frequent fractional meals are recommended due to the fact that it is difficult to fit the required number of calories required for muscle growth in three meals. Nevertheless, in this case, the main role is played not by the frequency of meals, but by the amount of calories consumed.

How much should you eat at one meal? If your goal is weight loss, then you need to consume about 1 – 800 calories per day. Which is quite achievable with a three-time regimen. The calorie content of one meal should be in the region of 2-000 calories, while fat should be 600-700 grams. (20% of calories), 25 gr. proteins and 30-30 correct carbohydrates. And if you want to gain muscle mass, then the calorie intake for a man is 2 – 700 kcal per day, and it is more correct to switch to fractional meals 2-900 times a day. Half of the calories should be consumed in the first two meals (tomorrow and lunch), the bulk of the carbohydrates are consumed after strength training.

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