How often should we go to the toilet? Remember the three-day rule

The first line of treatment in the case of constipation is usually natural methods – fiber, prunes or wholesale amounts of apple juice. However, when these methods do not bring the desired results, most of us pull out the heaviest cannon – laxatives. And from here it is only a step to the vicious circle and lazy intestines. Therefore, always keep the three-day rule in the back of your mind.

  1. Constipation may be up to 20 percent. society
  2. Problems with defecation may appear in healthy people as a result of stress, travel or diet changes
  3. In constipation, it is extremely important not to overuse laxatives. This may do more harm than good
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Is it really constipation? Check that you fit these criteria

As Giulia Enders writes in the book “Internal history”, constipation affects up to 20 percent. German society. In Poland, it is even 30 percent. citizens, most often women and children.

“If we want to be part of this exclusive group, we must meet at least two of the following criteria: we have a bowel movement less than three times a week; a quarter of all bowel movements come to us with particular difficulty and boils down to the expulsion of just a few small pellets, and even this requires a huge effort; defecation occurs only thanks to outside help (in the form of various preparations or tricks); after leaving the toilet we do not feel completely emptied “, we read in” Inner History “.

Giulia Enders emphasizes that it is not the frequency of defecation alone that is crucial, but above all the nuisance of individual bowel movements. Constipation does not have to be a sign of a more serious illness (although they can, so if they happen often it is a good idea to see your doctor). Stress, diet changes, dehydration, a sedentary lifestyle, and travel can also be at the root of bowel problems. Giulia Enders writes bluntly: on average, half of citizens face constipation while traveling.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Constipation: what to do? “Wańki-wańki” method

When constipation occurs, home remedies can provide relief. Giulia Enders writes about a few that are proven, do not harm, and can improve intestinal peristalsis and “unclog it”. These are, above all, ballast substances which, by “poking” the intestinal walls, are able to motivate them to act. Such substances are, for example, shells of plantain or plum seeds (fresh or dried).

Among the home remedies for constipation, hydration is also possible, but only on condition that we consume too little fluids on a daily basis. However, when we drink as much as we need, this method will not work.

Probiotics and prebiotics, which have a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora, can also be a remedy for constipation.

And if you are looking for less conventional methods, then there is also … a “ribbon-up”.

«Sitting on the toilet seat, bend your torso down to your thighs, then fold back until you are fully straight. We make the movement several times – now we should be successful! Nobody sees us on the toilet, we have some time – ideal conditions to conduct such an unusual experiment »writes Giulia Enders.

In the event that neither of these methods work, there are also laxatives involved. But here’s a note – you have to remember the three-day rule.

The rule of three days in constipation – very important!

Many laxatives can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription. Therefore, it happens that we reach for them even compulsively – every time we think there are problems with defecation. This, in turn, leads to lazy intestines and aggravation of difficulties.

«The large intestine consists of three parts: ascending, transverse and descending. When we go to the bathroom, we usually empty only the third and last part. It will take until the next day to refill, and then the fun will start all over again. If, on the other hand, we take strong laxatives, it may happen that we empty the entire colon, i.e. all three parts. In this situation, it may take up to three days for it to be full again to require a bowel movement, »explains Giulia Enders.

What should we do then? First of all, do not panic if, after cleansing the intestine with laxatives, the next day you cannot defecate.

«If we do not know this rule, we often panic. Nothing again? For the third day in a row already? What’s happening? And that’s why – bam, we take another pill or a laxative powder. This way we fall into a vicious circle. After taking the laxative, we should leave our intestine alone for two days and start the countdown again on the third day. If we are sure that we are in the group of people with slow intestinal transit, we can take another measure after these two days “- adds the author of” Internal History “.

Based on the “Inner History” by Giulia Enders (Feeria Publishing House).

Do you have constipation problems? Try the organic tea recommended for defecation problems.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the diet. Do you have to stick to it 100% to stay healthy and feel good? Do you really have to start every day with breakfast? What is it like with sipping meals and eating fruit? Listen:

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