How often should turnips be watered after planting in open ground

Watering onions in open ground begins immediately after planting. The standard consumption rate is 10 liters per 1 m2. First, water is given every three days. Then weekly, gradually increasing the volume to 12 liters. Three weeks before harvest, watering is stopped so that the bulbs are large and do not rot.

When to start watering

Proper watering of onions in the open field requires compliance with certain deadlines. Any crop needs moisture especially actively at the beginning of the growing season, i.e. immediately after landing. At this point, water should be given twice a week. If it rains, they are guided by the weather forecast and the condition of the soil.

You can test in two ways:

  1. Take a handful of soil from a depth of 1 cm, squeeze tightly in your hand, then unclench. If large clods remain and the soil does not crumble, additional watering is not required.
  2. You can also stick a wooden stick into open ground to a depth of 20 cm. If individual fragments of the earth stick to it, additional watering of the onion is also not needed.

If the soil is quite dry, then moisture is a must. Moreover, watering continues regularly until lodging of greenery. The frequency depends on the stage of development and on the weather. If it rains and the soil is sufficiently moist, additional moisture is not needed at all. If a drought occurs, watering in the open field is carried out at least twice a week.

With the same frequency, watering is carried out in the first two months after planting (May, June). Then, by the beginning of July, water is already given once a week (if the air temperature is not too high, up to +25), and after the leaves wither, they stop completely (even if it is hot).

Irrigation rates for onions

When watering onions, it is important to observe the rate of water consumption per square meter or other unit of area. Any culture is harmed by both a lack and an excess of moisture. In the first case, the growth of the bulbs may stop, the greens will dry out, and the taste will be quite bitter and sharp, reminiscent of wild varieties. If you give watering too often and abundantly, without following the rains, then the bulbs can simply rot. They cannot be stored for a long time.

If you grow a crop at home, watering is carried out, observing the consumption rate:

  1. Watering onions after planting in the spring should be 10 liters per 1 m2.
  2. After the appearance of the feather (end of May), they give 12 liters per 1 m2.
  3. During the growth of the bulbs themselves (June), 8-10 liters per 1 m will be required2.
  4. From the beginning of July, watering is carried out in the amount of 5-6 liters per 1 m2.
  5. After the lodging of foliage begins, water is no longer given, even if there is a drought.
How often should turnips be watered after planting in open ground

The easiest way to water – from a watering can

Attention! It is necessary to observe not only the norm, but also the regularity.

For example, it is not recommended to water abundantly once a week, and then stop giving water for 10 days. It is better to do this with a certain frequency, taking into account the rains (every 5-7 days).

What water to use

Water the onions in spring and summer only with pre-settled water. To do this, water is poured into large containers and settled at room temperature or outside for at least 12 hours. If possible, you can use filtered liquid for irrigation in open ground.

Melt water or rain water is even better. Taluya is stored in advance from the winter. To accumulate rainwater, it is enough to leave several large open containers on the street. After settling, the water should acquire room temperature (from +15) or become a little warmer – up to 20-22 degrees.

But it also happens that there is no time to wait. Then you can water the green onions in the open ground with unsettled water. Take the usual liquid from the water supply and add boiling water (1:10), stir. As soon as the temperature is in the range of 15-22 degrees, you can start watering.

Methods for watering onions

Watering onions on a feather and on a turnip can be done in different ways:

  1. From a watering can.
  2. From a hose.
  3. Drip irrigation onions.

Humidification in the open field from a watering can is suitable for small areas. The method is simple, inexpensive, but labor-intensive. It is not used for large areas. The water settled in advance is poured into a watering can with a nozzle and watered with a small stream, trying not to get on the bulbs and greens.

If the site has a source of water supply and a pump or a central water supply, it is possible to organize watering onions in open ground from a hose. This is the most convenient way, but it is only suitable if the water temperature is at least +14 °C. Do not use well fluid, because even in summer it is too cold. In this case, the pressure should be small so as not to damage the plants. For regulation, an inexpensive diffuser is put on the hose.

Drip irrigation of onions in open ground is the easiest way. It imitates rain, because it evenly supplies moisture in the right amount. In addition, the system works autonomously and does not require constant monitoring. To organize it, you need to install pipes with holes every 50 cm.

How often should turnips be watered after planting in open ground

Drip system increases yield by 1,8 times

They mount it with their own hands, then connect it to the pump and adjust the power. Pipes are located in the center between the beds. Medium pressure is enough for water to irrigate the soil within a radius of 30 cm.

How to water onions in open ground

The irrigation schedule depends on both the weather forecast and the stage of crop growth. At the beginning of the onion growing season in the open field, water is given more often, then less often, and the volumes are gradually reduced. In this case, there are several general watering rules that are important to consider:

  1. Water is poured evenly next to the bulb (and not under the root) in a small stream so as not to erode the surface layer of the open ground.
  2. It is necessary to avoid getting not only on the leaves, but also on the bulb itself. If you periodically violate this rule, the turnip will rot.
  3. Water is best given in the evening, at sunset. If there is no time, you can do it in the early morning. But during the day, the procedure is not recommended – drops on the leaves can lead to sunburn. In addition, in hot weather, water evaporates quickly.
  4. After watering, the soil must be loosened. It is important to ensure that the surface layer of open ground does not dry out and does not compact.
  5. If necessary, make top dressing.
  6. Ideally, after watering in open ground, the soil should become moist to a depth of 20 cm. To keep the liquid longer, the surface is mulched with straw, dry foliage, grass clippings, sawdust or other natural material.
  7. Three weeks before harvest, watering is stopped completely, even if there is a drought.

When to water onions after planting in spring

The bed on which the onion will grow in the open field is watered in advance, for example, a day before planting. The soil has time to dry out, after which holes are formed and the bulbs are planted. Then watering is given immediately after planting – up to 10 liters per square meter. Thanks to this, the plants will take root and grow faster.

Early growth

Water onion sets in the initial stages of growth should be twice a week (if there is no rain). Water during irrigation is consumed in the amount of 10 liters per 1 m2. But if the weather is rainy and the soil is moist, additional liquid is not needed.

When ripe

During the ripening period, the rate of irrigation in open ground is increased to 12 liters per square meter. In this case, the frequency is reduced to once every 5-7 days. If there is a drought, watering can be scheduled every 3-4 days.

How often should turnips be watered after planting in open ground

At the ripening stage, the maximum moisture rate is 12 liters per square meter

Before the harvest

Stop watering 20 days before harvest. It is easy to determine this moment – at the beginning of the mass wilting of the foliage. Then the plant will direct all the forces to form the bulbs, they will turn out strong, large and juicy.

What to add to water

As a rule, watering onions in the open field is combined with top dressing. This is a standard technique, since almost all fertilizers dissolve well in water and are applied by the root method (stream under the root). To get a good harvest, as well as to prevent the development of diseases or the invasion of pests, it is recommended to periodically give the following compositions:

  1. Watering with water and salt – 1,5-2 tablespoons per 10 liters. This is done to repel onion flies and other pests.
  2. Infusion of wood ash – a tablespoon per 1 liter or 200-300 g per 10 liters. After mixing, it is advisable to let it brew for several hours, then irrigate the plantings in open ground. The tool serves as a mineral supplement and for the prevention of diseases, pests.
  3. Banana peel – take 12 pieces, chop, insist in 10 liters of water for 5-6 hours, then feed.
  4. Dry yeast – 100 g per 10 liters. You can insist a few minutes, then water.

Watering errors

In general, watering onions in the open field is a fairly simple procedure, but it also has its own nuances. They are associated with the rate, frequency of the procedure and other features. To get a good harvest, you should avoid the mistakes that beginner gardeners make:

  1. When watering onions in the open field, you do not need to direct a strong jet to the beds – it will wash the soil.
  2. Before each procedure, pay attention to the weather forecast. For example, if it rains in 1-2 days, you can not give water or carry out weak watering.
  3. Some summer residents are afraid to irrigate open ground with salt water, believing that this will spoil the soil. In fact, if you prepare a solution that is not too concentrated and water it no more than twice a season, there is no danger.
  4. Even if there is not enough space, you should not make plantings in open ground too dense. Then it will be difficult to water, in addition, the plants may suffer from infection due to constant waterlogging.
How often should turnips be watered after planting in open ground

Thanks to proper hydration, the bulbs will grow juicy and tasty.


Watering onions in open ground is carried out according to the standard scheme 1-2 times a week in compliance with the consumption rate (bucket per 1 m2 landings). You should not break this rule, but the frequency can be increased if a long drought is established. Watering can be done in the traditional way from a watering can or hose, while the drip system is the best option.

Proper watering of onions

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