Watering dill in open ground is carried out regularly, spending from 5-7 to 20-30 liters of water per square meter. Water is given every five days, but in drought this should be done twice as often. Pre-liquid defend in the open air or indoors. If possible, it is better to use melt and rain water.
Do I need to water the dill
Watering dill is mandatory in all seasons – in spring and summer, and, if necessary, in autumn (landing before winter). The standard frequency is every five days. Despite the fact that dill is an unpretentious plant, regular watering plays an important role:
- quick set of green mass;
- the foliage remains green and juicy;
- seedlings are healthy, better resist infections;
- soil structure improves.
It is optimal not only to give watering, but also to spray dill. Otherwise, the foliage may turn yellow, fade, lose taste and presentation.
Water can be given in a variety of ways:
- from the sprayer, so as not to damage the sprouts with a jet, not to erode the soil;
- drip irrigation is an effective method that allows you to evenly moisten the soil. Particularly useful in large areas where it is difficult to regularly water every furrow;
- the standard version is from a watering can, suitable for small beds.
What time of day is best to water
Dill is best watered in the evening, about 1-2 hours before sunset. If the time has passed, you can give water in the late evening, when it gets dark. Sometimes watering is carried out in the morning, but this is a less suitable option, because the soil does not have time to absorb moisture during the day. Due to the sun’s rays, some of the liquid will evaporate.
It is not recommended to do watering during the day, especially in hot weather. At this point, you can hit the jet on the leaves, because of which they will get sunburn. Such a procedure will do more harm than good. But if the weather is cloudy, not hot, then the liquid can be given during the day.
Water requirements
Do not irrigate with ordinary tap water, because it is cold, contains chlorine and is often hard. Therefore, it is best to use rain or melted liquid, harvested since the winter.
If this is not possible, you can prepare ordinary tap water. It is poured into large containers and left indoors for 10-12 hours. You can put the baths on the street and wait a few hours – thanks to the sun’s rays, the liquid will heat up quickly enough.

In order for dill to grow well, settled water is used for irrigation.
Also, for harvesting, barrels and other containers are placed on the street, which are gradually filled with rain moisture. It is the most suitable liquid for watering dill because it is soft, has a neutral pH and does not contain harmful impurities.
Thus, among the main requirements for water for irrigation are the following:
- Lack of chlorine. To do this, the liquid is defended or well, rain water is taken.
- Suitable temperature is room temperature in the range of 18-25 degrees.
- Moderate salt content – up to 2,5 g per 1 liter. Usually, almost any water, except mineral water, meets this requirement. But if in doubt, you can first evaporate 1 liter and weigh the amount of salt remaining at the bottom on a kitchen scale.
water consumption
Watering dill after planting in open ground should be done regularly, observing a certain rate of water consumption. Usually it is 8-10 liters, i.e. standard bucket per square meter. This figure can be either increased to 20-30 liters or reduced to 6-7 liters, depending on various factors:
- Weather conditions (during a drought, water consumption is maximum).
- The condition of the plants (if they turn yellow, wither, lag behind in development and look weakened, watering clearly needs to be increased).
- Stage of development – after sowing, dill should be watered more often, but not as abundantly as adult plants (they are given water less often, but in much larger quantities – up to 30 liters per 1 m2).
- Soil condition – it should be slightly moist, but not too much, and the soil is not dried out, dense and without cracks on the surface.
You can also determine the need for watering dill by the consistency of the earth:
- If you squeeze the sandy soil in your fist, and at the same time you can’t make a lump (it will fall apart), additional moisture is not needed.
- If a ball is easily formed from sandy soil, water should be given. Consumption should be increased.
- If the soil is loamy and clayey, it is necessary to roll up the ball and see if it breaks up under pressure. If not, water is not needed, the flow should be reduced.

If the dill grows well and the soil is moist, additional watering is not needed.
How often to water dill
The frequency of watering also depends on weather conditions and the condition of the plant. Another indicator is the method of cultivation. Obviously, in the open ground, plantings require more water, and less in the greenhouse. The frequency of humidification is strongly influenced by the time of year:
- In the spring, after planting, dill should be watered moderately, no more than once a week, since the soil is quite moist after thawed snow, and the weather is not yet hot.
- In the summer, a week of watering is given depending on the weather – if it is cloudy and cool, then once every 5-7 days, and if the heat is established, 2-3 times a week.
- In autumn, watering is given only when dill is planted (before winter), after which they mulch and do not plan any work until next spring.
In open ground
In open ground, watering is given at least twice a week, in the heat – three times. The exception is rainy weather. If there is too much precipitation, additional moisture is not needed, and if it is cool outside, then water is given no more than once a week.
For young plants, the consumption rate is 7 liters per 1 square meter. In the heat, watering is 10-15 liters, and if the soil dries up, then 20-30 liters. You should not give more liquid, because the earth will be too wet, and then the plants may suffer.
During the heat
In hot weather, the number of dill waterings is increased to 2-3 per week, i.e. the liquid is given in fact in the “day after day” mode. It is best to do this in the evening. If the planting area is large, it is easier to install a drip irrigation system. It is very important to follow the regularity. For example, you can not give water all week, and then pour several buckets at a time. This can lead to root rot as well as fungal infections.

In the heat, watering is given every two days.
In rainy weather
If the rains are strong enough, long-lasting, dill does not need additional moisture. It is necessary to follow the weather forecast and not to give excess liquid. But it also happens that the rains are short-term, they moisten only the surface layer of the soil. Then the plantings are watered, based on a reduced consumption rate – 7-8 liters per square meter.
At home
It is easiest to organize watering at home, since the temperature is stable, there is no dependence on the weather, and you can calculate in advance how much will be needed. During the first month, consumption is not more than 5 liters per 1 m2, then it is gradually increased to 10-12 liters. The soil is constantly loosened, while removing weeds.
In the greenhouse
In the greenhouse, watering is given according to the standard rate – once every five days. In the heat – once every three days. Standard consumption – from 7 to 15 liters per 1 m2. At the same time, the room is regularly ventilated to maintain optimal humidity of air and soil. If at night the temperature is consistently above +15, the greenhouse is left open around the clock.
What is the danger of a lack and excess of moisture
When planning the irrigation of dill, both the frequency and the rate of consumption should be observed. It is important to understand that both a lack and an excess of moisture are dangerous. With a lack of fluid, the following symptoms appear:
- wilting, yellowing, stiffness of foliage;
- loss of aroma, taste, part of useful substances;
- growth retardation;
- poor harvest;
- an increase in the concentration of nitrates in plant tissues;
- plants do not absorb nutrients well and become weakened.
If you give immoderate watering, believing that the more water, the better, this will also lead to negative manifestations. The main risk is associated with the development of infectious pathologies – fungal, bacterial, including the black leg. This is a very dangerous disease, due to which the root collars darken and soften. Usually young seedlings die, infect the soil and neighboring plantings.

Due to insufficient moisture, the foliage turns yellow, the plants lag behind in development
Excessive watering of dill leads to other dangers:
- bushes grow weakly;
- the amount of essential oils decreases – the natural aroma is lost;
- the soil is eroded, its structure worsens;
- soil acidity increases;
- nutrients from the earth are worse absorbed by the roots.
Watering dill in open ground is carried out every 3-5 days, depending on the condition of the plants and weather conditions. Water is given in the amount of 10-20 liters per 1 square meter. It is best to install a drip irrigation system or simply water from a watering can into the grooves, avoiding contact with leaves and stems.