How not to pay for sex? «Autumn Health Check» starts

Even if you are only interested in love and sex, the price you pay for it can be high. It’s not just HIV, but other sexually transmitted diseases as well. Examine yourself, because not only those who have many partners are in danger.

The easiest way to avoid contracting STDs is through sexual abstinence. Meanwhile, it is known for a long time that this method is not healthy at all. Condoms in the vast majority of cases increase protection against infection, but do not provide 100% of it. STDs are still an embarrassing topic. Meanwhile, the fear of taking treatment is one of the main reasons for their spread. Reluctance to visit a doctor as a consequence poses a serious threat to the patient himself and his environment. Therefore, every sexually active person should take a blood test from time to time to check for such diseases. You can use ready-made packages. 

Chlamydia can make you sterile

It is the most common sexually transmitted disease, but it can make you sterile. Before this happens, chlamydia trachomatis usually does not show any characteristic symptoms. Sometimes it manifests itself like cystitis. 

Do tests for sexually transmitted diseases. Buy a special package! link to the Partner’s material

Meanwhile, testing of Chlamydia trachomatis IgG antibodies can detect this disease, which is completely treatable with antibiotics. Its complication, however, is infertility in both women and men. In women, this condition can cause bleeding during intercourse or between cycles. In the advanced stage, it contributes to the erosion of the cervix and, in extreme cases, even cancer of the reproductive organ. In men, it causes burning during urination, pollakiuria, and even orchitis.

Syphilis still dangerous

Syphilis-causing bacteria can penetrate microscopic skin lesions. Infection is possible not only during intercourse, but also through a kiss. There are more and more infections, and thus more and more children are born with congenital syphilis. The first symptom of the disease is painless ulceration. Then, pustular changes appear most often on the skin of the hands and feet. Then the syphilis goes into the latent phase. However, the disease wreaks irreversible havoc on the central nervous system, damaging the liver, bones and joints, heart valves and aorta. Syphilis is treated with penicillin. A USR blood test called WR, or Wasserman’s test, can detect this disease.

You only have one liver

Sexually spreading viruses that cause hepatitis B and C, leading to cirrhosis and incurable cancer of this organ. Until recently, there were no effective medications for these diseases. Currently, new methods of treating them have emerged. The vaccine also protects against type B infection. HBs antigen test (qualitative test) is performed to diagnose hepatitis B. A positive test result indicates contact with HBV. On the other hand, the examination of HCV antibodies allows to identify contact with the virus that causes hepatitis C. A positive result is suspect, especially in the case of non-specific symptoms from the abdominal cavity, such as flatulence, abdominal pain, heartburn.

HIV – it heals

Although the number of HIV infections in Poland remains constant, it is growing drastically in Eastern European countries. Our Country and Ukraine are mainly responsible for this growth. There is no problem with the availability of HIV therapy in our country. Each diagnosed patient is treated with the most modern drugs that enable a normal life. The problem, however, is identifying the infected. Some estimates say that up to 2/3 of them do not know they are HIV positive. The anti-HIV1 / HIV2 antibody test is designed to detect antibodies produced in response to exposure to HIV. It is also good to do this test before delivery. HIV testing should be done at the earliest 14 days after risky behavior. Repeat it after 12 weeks.

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