How not to get sick with COVID-19 at the resort: the doctor answers

How not to get sick with COVID-19 at the resort: the doctor answers

Emergency briefcase

After the introduction of the vaccine, the risk of contracting COVID-19 is minimal, and even in case of infection, the coronavirus proceeds in a mild form. Therefore, it is recommended to take antipyretic, analgesic and antiviral agents on vacation. Antibiotics should be added to a travel kit only on the recommendation of a doctor. By the way, it should be noted that the coronavirus is not the only disease that can remind of itself at the resort. Poisoning is a common cause of ailments. Therefore, do not forget to put in your suitcase drugs to improve digestion, as well as products that remove toxins from the body.

 Route selection

According to experts, the summer of 2021 is considered an unfavorable period for traveling abroad. According to WHO experts, foci of COVID-19 in Europe still persist. However, starting this year, many countries open their borders to tourists from Russia. But without prior vaccination or a negative PCR test, it is impossible to visit foreign resorts.

When choosing a vacation spot, one should be guided by the statistics of infection in the region, as well as the introduced precautions in tourist areas. Get information on international news portals, read reviews of recently returned travelers.

One of the most reasonable options is a seaside vacation. There is little chance of getting infected on the beach. The reason is that salt deactivates many viruses, including COVID-19. However, if you feel unwell and weak, you should not swim. Another factor contributing to the destruction of viruses is ultraviolet light. It can be summed up that spending time on the beach improves health and reduces the risk of infection.

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