How not to get sick in the summer?
Overheating or catching a cold in the heat is as easy as shelling pears. This may be due to air conditioner air, draft and sun. has figured out how to avoid typical summer problems.
Summer in our latitudes is rather short, and we spend most of the year literally in the dark. Naturally, it is worth looking out into the sun, as we are already on the beach and are ready to bask for hours in its gentle rays. But the sun is not at all good, at least in relation to our head. As soon as she overheats, we immediately get sunstroke.
Symptoms: facial flushing, severe headache, nausea, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, and finally vomiting. The final stage is loss of consciousness.
How to avoid: cover your head with light-colored hats – these reflect the sun’s rays and heat up less. Try to swim or shower more often on the beach.
Emergency measures: if you feel unwell, immediately hide in the shade, drink water and put a cloth soaked in cold water on your forehead. If the situation worsens, call an ambulance immediately.
Read on: How not to get heatstroke
Cover your head with light-colored hats – these reflect the sun’s rays and heat up less.
However, even if we do not sit in direct rays, but we are in the heat for a long time, then we run the risk of earning heatstroke. At high humidity, the danger doubles.
Symptoms: lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness, skin redness, heart palpitations, nausea, and even weak stools. A little more, and it will come to a loss of consciousness.
How to avoid: first of all, do not do any physical work in the heat; if you play sports, reduce the intensity of your training. Wear light, well-ventilated clothing, and eat fresh vegetables, herbs, fish and, in general, light foods. Drink plenty of water, preferably at room temperature. Hot teas are good.
Emergency measures: if you already feel the first symptoms of overheating, quickly swim in cool water and hide in the shade, drink some water. If possible, measure your temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. If someone near you has lost consciousness, try to cool his body as quickly as possible and, of course, call an ambulance.
Menu for hot days
In hot weather, it is useful to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, light soups and dairy products. But cereals increase the acidity of the blood, and it is better to give them up for a while.
Read on: How not to catch a cold from an air conditioner
Direct the louver of the air conditioner along the ceiling, not downward.
Cold from air conditioner
Perhaps the most common cause of a cold in summer is air conditioning. The bottom line is the cold air flow that comes out of the indoor unit with a strong pressure. If the jet is directed directly at the person, then this, of course, threatens him with a cold. After all, sitting under a stream of cold air is like being in a strong draft. And if this happens throughout the day, the risk increases many times over.
Symptoms: cold. If you feel that you are freezing, then you are at risk.
How to avoid: if you can control the direction of the flow, direct the louvers of the air conditioner along the ceiling, not downward. This will distribute the air evenly and do no harm. If the air conditioner is built into the ceiling, as is often the case in offices, try changing your workplace to one where the air jet does not hit you directly.
Try to avoid strong temperature differences: it is advisable that the temperature difference between the outside and the room should not be higher than three to five degrees, or at least not lower than 22 degrees. If there are several people in the office at once, take into account all your wishes, because everyone has different temperature sensations, and the air conditioner is distributed unevenly.