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Spring is good for everyone, if not for illness! It is easy to hear from friends: one has a runny nose, another has sinusitis, and some cannot get rid of their cough … Why do diseases become aggravated in the spring and how to protect yourself from colds?
The increased incidence in the off-season is due to the fact that the body is experiencing complex stress. On the one hand, its resources were severely depleted during the long winter. On the other hand, immunity is significantly weakened due to restructuring of biorhythms, changeable weather, lack of vitamins and sunlight. All this contributes to the activation of the infection lurking in the body, and as a result, out of the blue, chronic diseases – sinusitis, bronchitis and others – are aggravated. Are they going to spoil your family every spring?
At the heart of all typical colds is a common mechanism: inflammation, which leads to a violation of the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract. As a result, its excessive accumulation is formed, which contributes to the further multiplication of bacteria and the progression of the disease. That is why the key element of treatment remains the restoration of the natural mechanisms that eliminate phlegm.
The complete treatment of chronic diseases, as a rule, takes a long time. And it’s no secret that for the most vulnerable patients – children and the elderly – additional drug load is undesirable. How to be? Complex herbal preparations will come to the rescue. For example,