Reasons for gaining excess weight
Too many carbohydrates
Fasting is essentially a carbohydrate diet. And “fast” carbohydrates are fast weight gain. The most common tactic for beginners who have not had time to get used to developing a balanced lean menu is to sit these weeks on sweets like dryers, halva and nuts with dried fruits. If anything, the calorie content of halva is about 500 kcal per 100 g. Dryers – 380 kcal per 100 g. In nuts – from 600 to 700 kcal, depending on the species. In dried fruits – up to 300 kcal. The daily rate of 2000 kcal can be sorted out easily and imperceptibly. The thrifty organism converts all excess carbohydrates into fat and stores them carefully – on the stomach, waist and sides.
Too little protein
Protein foods are essential to speed up the burning of calories. The less protein in the diet, the more chances of gaining weight. In fasting, limiting ourselves in animal protein, we do not always compensate for this lack of vegetable proteins.
Too little movement
Severe food restrictions always mean a loss of vitality. If people of believers have a powerful motive that helps to hold on, then the rest of the motivation is lame. The person becomes lethargic, irritable, begins to move less. And against the background of an overabundance of carbohydrate foods, this most likely leads to an increase in fat reserves.
How not to get fat on fasting
It should contain more “slow”, rather than “fast” carbohydrates, which give a long feeling of satiety and do not overload with calories. Eat more cereals, vegetables, legumes, limit sweets.
Compensate for protein deficiencies
If there is not enough animal protein, concentrate on plant protein. These are legumes and soybeans. True, it should be borne in mind that soy is a very fatty product.
Be sure to move more.
To prevent carbohydrates from being converted to fat, they need to be spent – that is, converted into energy. Make it a rule to train for 45-60 minutes daily. The easiest option is walking. Buy a pedometer and walk at least 10 thousand steps. Then everything will be in order with the vitality necessary for burning fat.