How not to freeze this winter

Despite such human inventions as insulating clothing and central heating, many of us can hardly endure the cold season and complain about the inability to warm up. What is the reason and how to deal with it?

By nature, we are not very adapted to the cold, because our ancient ancestors, and all other higher primates, have always lived in a comfortable, warm climate. Thick wool today is being replaced by high-tech clothing, but many people feel that when the temperature outside is minus 10 degrees and below, it is very difficult to keep warm, even being wrapped in several layers. The simplest explanation for this is not enough good blood circulation: we move too little, and most of the time we spend sitting, in one position – at work, watching TV or driving. But some health problems can also be the cause of intolerance to the cold.

Cold factor

“If a person is cold all the time, this may be due to disorders in the immune and neuroendocrine systems,” explains Professor Alexander Poletaev, scientific director of the Immunculus Medical Research Center. – The endocrinologist will probably prescribe an X-ray examination of the pituitary gland – it is there that the center responsible for the constancy of body temperature is located. Sensitivity to cold may be associated with a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, and with inflammatory processes in the adrenal glands, the result of which is a decrease in the production of cortisol. To begin with, you can do an ELI blood test: the content of autoantibodies, that is, antibodies to the body’s own tissues, is determined in venous blood. An increase or decrease in their content indicates violations, which so far may not even have pronounced clinical manifestations. Based on the results of ELI tests, clarifying studies are prescribed, for example, on the level of hormones or immunoglobulins (antibodies) to infectious agents. It is they who are often responsible for neuroendocrine and immune disorders, and the presence of an infection in the body can be practically asymptomatic – for the time being.

Stress is another common cause of vascular problems: due to capillary spasm, blood circulation worsens. Feeling chilly, unable to warm up, and constantly cold hands and feet is very unpleasant in itself, and sometimes it is simply impossible to fall asleep with this feeling. After consulting with naturopathic experts, we have selected four of the simplest and most effective ways to warm yourself up.

Hot tub

RecipeThe temperature of the water for the bath is approximately 38 ° C. Dilute the mixture of essential oils (“Peruvian Balsam” – 3 drops, “Black Pepper” – 3 drops, “Douglas” – 2 drops) in 50 ml of milk and add to the bath.

Effect“Black pepper oil improves blood circulation, restores its normal flow to the limbs,” explains aromatherapist Yulia Irisova. – Douglas oil has a tonic effect on the psyche. Through the olfactory receptors, the hypothalamus receives a signal to restore the temperature regime. As a result, it prolongs the warming effect. Balsam of Peru gives a sense of security, comfort and enhances the effects of Douglas oil. It reinforces the positive emotional perception of the whole mixture.”

The bath can be taken in the morning or in the evening for several days. This mixture can then be used as a perfume or carried around in a bottle and inhaled when the sensation of cold begins to appear: the brain will react to this smell in the same way as taking a hot bath.

Breathing exercises

RecipeThis yoga exercise is called “kapalabhati” (“breath of fire”): stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, place one palm on the solar plexus area. On exhalation, the stomach is strongly pulled inward, and inhalation occurs naturally. Make three series of 15 rhythmic exhalations through the nose, tightening and relaxing the stomach.

EffectThis exercise activates the “digestive fire”, which, according to yoga, is responsible not only for the assimilation of food, but also for the “assimilation” of the environment, that is, for an adequate response to environmental conditions. Qigong breathing exercises are also very suitable. “In the human energy body, there are two types of qi energy – nourishing and protective. If a person is constantly cold, it means that his wei qi (protective) is weak, – explains qigong specialist Igor Kusin. – To balance yin (cold), you need to strengthen yang (fire). For example, with the help of dynamic and vibrational exercises: arm rotations, squats and jumps.

Warming tea

RecipePeel the root of fresh ginger, grate it on a coarse grater, pour boiling water over it, add a few cloves and cardamom seeds, boil for 10 minutes. Pour into a glass and only after the ginger tea has cooled down a bit, add a teaspoon of honey just before drinking.

EffectAccording to Ayurveda, ginger and “sweet” spices (cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg) have warming properties. But tea – even if it is hot – is by no means always. “Green tea has the qualities of yin energy, that is, cold, and has a cooling effect,” explains Ritta Darina, tea expert at the Open World Center. – Red and black teas carry the quality of yang, they speed up all reactions in the body. In the process of fermentation, these teas seem to absorb the quality, the energy of fire. Pu-erh, a rare variety of tea, which undergoes long fermentation, has a special warming effect. By the way, jasmine tea is an exception to the green ones. Jasmine has a warming effect, it acts directly on the liver and speeds up all processes in the body.

Foot and hand massage

RecipeFor this warming massage, a mixture of essential oils of sage, fennel and ginger is used in proportions of 4 x 3 x 2 drops. This mixture should be dissolved in 10 ml of warm base oil (almond, peach or any vegetable), apply a little on the feet or hands and massage each finger in turn from tip to base to activate the lymph flow.

EffectMassage has an instant warming effect, it can be done whenever we are stressed: it relieves vasospasm and helps to overcome the “cold hand syndrome” associated with disorders of the autonomic nervous system. “Special sensitivity to cold is associated with insufficient blood and lymph circulation,” explains reflexologist and aromatherapist Maria Zhu Dan. “In aromatherapy, there are special tools for this. They have their warming effect, even if they are simply inhaled, but massage is especially effective. You can also use the essential oils of lemon, camphor and benzoin in the same proportions. Since the hands are the acupuncture map of the entire body, once warmed up, the sensation of warmth permeates the entire body – this is a quick way to warm up in almost any conditions.

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