How not to burn out at work: 3 useful rules

Life in a big city is a lack of energy, time and concentration. All this leads to physical and emotional burnout, which means a decrease in work efficiency with all the ensuing problems. How to stop working for wear and tear, says coach Aneta Korobkina.

We are always in a hurry somewhere, we do not have time, we are late and we worry when something does not go according to plan. It would seem that the development of technology should have made life easier. However, this did not happen. Gadgets have made us lazier and less stress-resistant. And our efficiency is declining, despite their help.

Quite often there are situations when an employee receives a new task or work of his colleague without any prior explanation and preparation. In pursuit of a higher position, an increase in income, or out of fear of disappointing the authorities, a person does not dare to give up the extra load. And starts to work hard.

Working for 8-10, and sometimes for 12-14 hours does not lead to an increase in employee efficiency. In my practice, I met different types of people: some slept for 5 hours and worked for 12, others slept for 8 hours and worked for 6. Who do you think was more efficient? I can say with confidence that efficiency has nothing to do with the number of hours you work. It is directly related to how you work.

Burnout and loss of performance is much more than just a physical condition

On the way home, you continue to check your mail and instant messengers, and at home you make plans for the next day, replaying options for meetings, tasks, and possible solutions in your head. And in the morning – back to battle. All this does not make you highly effective, but, on the contrary, leads to burnout.

At some point in the stream of thoughts, questions, desire to do everything and discrepancies in plans, you will want to let everything take its course. Just yesterday, a person was the best employee, and today, having reached the boiling point, he quit his job and has excellent prospects. The company has lost a valuable asset. This situation is not uncommon.

Companies care about the physical health of employees, not realizing that burnout and loss of efficiency is much more than just a consequence of physical condition. Now some global corporations have begun to implement employee assistance programs – Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which are aimed at improving their mental health.

Such programs include regular consultations, assistance in emergency situations and audits of the condition of employees. Depending on your preferences, you can consult in person, online, by phone or in a messenger. In addition, there are round-the-clock support specialists on the hotline. EAPs may vary depending on the groups of employees, for example, top managers, women, senior management.

Unfortunately, we do not have such practice yet. However, there are small steps that can be taken to prevent burnout and increase daily efficiency.

1. Develop healthy habits to start the day

How you start the day is how you spend it. Pay attention to how your morning is organized. The author of The Magic of the Morning, Ham Elord, said that the first hour determines success. Give yourself 5 minutes of silence to visualize, reflect, and prepare for a new day. Then – 5 minutes for affirmation. This is a positive affirmation for improving any area of ​​life. And do not forget to dedicate 15-20 minutes to physical exercises or reading.

2. Organize your workspace wisely

Your desktop should have a minimum of items that can distract from the process and interfere with quick decision making. If you spend 5 minutes looking for something on a table or computer, it immediately reduces your efficiency and concentration.

So it was with me until I took a break and put things in order. Now I can find any necessary information or document without thinking. Interestingly, once a month I do the same at home. This helps not to be distracted by trifles, reduces the risk of nervous breakdowns and worries due to the inability to find something you need.

3. Try meditation

To many, meditation seems to be something useless. Sitting, doing nothing, not thinking. What a waste of time But in fact, the brain works at a crazy speed every day. So much to do, remember. At some point, he just needs peace.

Meditation helps you control your thoughts so they don’t control your life. If you’re experiencing feelings of stress or dissatisfaction with accomplishments, meditation can be the first step to solving the problem.

Remember a simple idea: there is a very thin line between efficiency and wear and tear. It is important to look at yourself from the outside, be able to prioritize, take breaks, competently organize your time, space and thoughts.

About expert

Aneta Korobkina – trainer, coach and speaker at KA World, founder of the HospitalityTraining Institute. Read more on her Online.

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