How mushrooms reproduce

For many, this will come as a surprise, but what we used to call a fungus is actually just a part of a huge organism. And this part has its own function – the production of spores. The main part of this organism is located underground, and is intertwined with thin threads called hyphae, which make up the mushroom mycelium. In some cases, hyphae may hang down in dense cords or fibrous formations that can be seen in detail even with the naked eye. However, there are cases when they can only be seen with a microscope.

The fruiting body is born only when two primary mycelia belonging to the same species come into contact. There is a combination of male and female mycelium, resulting in the formation of secondary mycelium, which, under favorable conditions, is able to reproduce the fruiting body, which, in turn, will become the site of the appearance of a huge number of spores.

However, mushrooms have not only a sexual reproduction mechanism. They are distinguished by the presence of “asexual” reproduction, which is based on the formation of special cells along the hyphae, which are called conidia. On such cells, a secondary mycelium develops, which also has the ability to bear fruit. There are also situations when the fungus grows as a result of a simple division of the original mycelium into a huge number of parts. Dispersion of spores occurs primarily due to the wind. Their small weight allows them to move with the help of the wind for hundreds of kilometers in a relatively short period of time.

In addition, various fungi can be spread by “passive” spore transfer by various insects, which can both parasitize fungi and appear on them for a short period of time. The spores can also be spread by various mammals, such as wild boars, which may accidentally eat the fungus. Spores in this case are excreted along with the excrement of the animal. Each mushroom during its life cycle has a huge number of spores, but only a tiny number of them fall into such an environment that would favorably affect their further germination.

Mushrooms are the largest group of organisms, numbering more than 100 thousand species, which are traditionally considered plants. To date, scientists have come to the conclusion that fungi are a special group that takes its place between plants and animals, since in the process of their life, features inherent in both animals and plants are visible. The main difference between fungi and plants is the complete absence of chlorophyll, the pigment that underlies photosynthesis. As a result, fungi do not have the ability to produce sugar and carbohydrates in the atmosphere. Mushrooms, like animals, consume ready-made organic matter, which, for example, is released in rotting plants. Also, the membrane of fungal cells includes not only mycocellulose, but also chitin, which is characteristic of the external skeletons of insects.

There are two classes of higher fungi – macromycetes: basidiomycetes and ascomycetes.

This division is based on various anatomical features characteristic of spore formation. In basidiomycetes, the spore-bearing hymenophore is based on plates and tubules, the connection between which is carried out using tiny pores. As a result of their activity, basidia are produced – characteristic formations that have a cylindrical or club-shaped shape. At the upper ends of the basidium, spores are formed, which are associated with the hymenium with the help of the thinnest threads.

For the growth of ascomycete spores, cylindrical or sac-shaped formations are used, which are called bags. When such bags ripen, they burst, and the spores are pushed out.

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