How much weight can you lose by dancing?
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Do you want to lose weight, feel better in your own body, or maybe you just dream of more exercise? Or maybe a dietitian or doctor recommended you to increase your physical activity? Did you know that all these goals can be achieved through the extremely enjoyable activity of dancing? Be sure to read on to find out more!

How many calories do we burn by dancing?

As you surely know, physical activity requires the body to use energy, the carrier of which are well-known calories. You can also guess that the amount of calories consumed varies depending on what we do (and how long it takes us) – when you go for a short walk with your dog, you burn fewer calories than if you choose to run the distance. five kilometers.

And how much energy do we use while dancing? The answer to this question comes from research conducted in special conditions, which help to accurately estimate how much energy we burn during a given type of physical activity. Thanks to them, we know that dance allows us to burn from 0,05 to 0,075 kcal per kilogram of body weight per minute.

What does this mean in practice? If you weigh 60 kg, a 45-minute session of energetic dance (e.g. zumba, hip-hop) will mean an energy expenditure of about 200 kcal for you.

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You can easily work out exactly how many calories this will be in your case by multiplying the duration of your activity (minutes) by your body weight (kilograms) and then the result by the number of your choice between 0,05-0,075. Choose a number closer to the lower limit if your dance is rather slow and not tiring, and if the dance is extremely energetic – use a number closer to 0,075 in the formula.

Dancing for weight loss and other types of physical activity

You already know how to calculate the number of calories you ‘get rid of’ by dancing – but how does this compare to the calories you consume in other activities? And is dancing an effective way to burn calories? The answer to that question is definitely yes!

It is true that there are forms of activity that require our body to use much more energy than when we dance – such as running or swimming.

It should be noted, however, that the time we are able to perform this type of activity at high intensity is usually much shorter than the time we can spend on dancing. For example, an hour of dancing allows us to burn as many calories as we consume by swimming continuously for about 30 minutes. The type of activity that requires a similar amount of energy from us as dancing (converted into the time spent) is, for example, cleaning – washing floors, sweeping or vacuuming. However, an hour dedicated to dancing sounds much nicer than an hour of cleaning, right?

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Dance and weight loss – how to put theory into practice?

How does the number of calories burned while dancing compare to the energy contained in food? The aforementioned 45-minute dance session would allow a person weighing 60 kg to burn 200 kcal – a similar amount of energy is found, for example, in a meal consisting of one small package of natural yoghurt, ½ glass of strawberries and three tablespoons of oat flakes or … half a bar of dark chocolate ! Sounds pretty big, doesn’t it?

How does this translate into burnt kilograms? Imagine that you take 45 minutes of zumba lessons twice a week – this will allow you to consume a total of 400 kcal per week (200 kcal for each lesson). With such an energy expenditure, weight loss after a month of regular classes should be about 0,25 kg, while in a year it will be … as much as three kg! Combined with the right diet, adding dance to our weekly schedule can have some really great weight loss effects. It is also worth remembering that dance is not only about calories burned – it also allows you to improve your condition, figure, motor coordination, and also have a positive effect on our well-being.

Contemporary dance schools offer plenty of opportunities, which means that virtually everyone can find something for themselves. If you don’t want or don’t have the option to go to organized group activities, you can always consider dancing as a home-based activity! Take advantage of online courses, lessons posted on internet portals. You can also improvise – no matter what form of movement you choose, if you devote the right amount of time to it and do it regularly, it will positively affect your figure and help you lose the unnecessary.

Michał Wrzosek

Clinical dietitian. PhD student at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

My diet helped over 9 people achieve their dream figure. This year my pupils lost 610 kg. Find out more:

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