Water is a source of strength and health, and you need to drink it … But here opinions are divided: some nutritionists say that you should consume at least two liters of liquid a day, others are sure that the body itself knows its measure. Still others believe that excess moisture can be fatal. WDay.ru decided to investigate this issue.
How much water should you drink
There is no doubt that moisture is necessary. It has long been recognized that water stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which regulates metabolism. This means that it has a beneficial effect on health, and on the figure too. However, the question of the amount of water we need depends on many factors. For example, if you spend all day in an office where the air is infused with computer radiation and artificial air conditioning, you should not limit yourself to drinking water.
If you are an athlete, then the doctors will most likely not allow you to drink a lot of water during the competition. They will only advise you to quench your thirst. If you decide to get rid of extra pounds, the same experts will strongly recommend that you drink water and only water.
Read next: What do scientists think?
Most people experience chronic dehydration.
Iranian doctor Fireydon Batmanghelidj concluded that most of us experience chronic dehydration, which is a direct path to obesity and even asthma. He has written several books on the importance of water in human life. The doctor advises to consume 8 glasses of pure water per day (this is about 2 liters). Other liquids such as soups, juices, fruits are not counted. He recommends eliminating coffee, tea and carbonated drinks from the diet altogether.
German scientists are not sure that there is little water either. True, they consider not all useful, but only mineral or melt water. And they recommend using it as follows:
a glass of water half an hour before meals to prepare the digestive tract for work and not overeat;
a glass of water 2,5 hours after eating.
Read next: Who is it harmful to drink a lot of water?
Many foods contain water, especially fruits and vegetables.
The third, no less extensive part of the scientific community, turned out to be more loyal and is of the opinion that you need to drink as much as you want – that is, on average, from 1,5 to 3 liters per day. Moreover, it is worth considering water, tea, juices, soups and fruits with vegetables.
But all this applies to healthy people. For those suffering from heart and / or kidney failure, blindly following such advice can be fatal. Doctors warn: due to poor blood supply to the kidneys, the amount of fluid excreted naturally is reduced. You should not get carried away with water and those whose excess weight is associated with fluid retention in the body. Here are a few more nuances.
Excess water can sometimes lead to breathing difficulties. Sometimes fluid can accumulate in the area of the lungs. The consequence of this is their swelling. This complication is life threatening.
The less we eat, the more water our body needs. We get some of the liquid from food. And if the latter is lacking, the amount of water you drink will have to be supplemented.
More than one and a half liters of water can be drunk only with physical exertion or gastrointestinal disorders.