how much water should you drink in summer

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Health and beauty depend not only on what we eat, but also on what kind of water we use.

As snow always falls suddenly for public utilities, so summer usually comes unexpectedly for women. In early May, I suddenly realized that the swimming season was just around the corner, and I was not ready for it. Not that I needed to lose half a centner, but getting rid of a couple of extra pounds and cm is yes. It is known that you need to start a new life not on Monday and not with the purchase of a subscription to a fitness center, but this very minute – with a change in eating habits. That is, with proper nutrition. Climbed into the Internet – what do celebrities advise?

– I eat three times a day plus two snacks. I love spinach, beets, goat cheese, barley, fish. And I definitely drink 2-3 liters of water a day, – the famous supermodel shares her secrets. At 50, she looks no worse in a swimsuit than at 18. Another model, one of the richest girls in the world, starts the morning with a glass of warm water with lemon and oatmeal. Russian celebrities vying with each other: less salt and sugar, more liquid! And not just tea or broth, but water. Why?

I called my friend nutritionist Inna Volkova.

“Juice, milk is almost the same as food,” the doctor enlightened. – Water does not contain calories, it helps the body to remove toxins and toxins, break down fats. Its deficiency results in chronic fatigue, headache, poor kidney function, dry, and therefore wrinkled skin. Regular drinking of water helps to reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, in particular heart attack. Overseas scientists who have conducted the experiment for many years have found that their charges, who drink 5-6 glasses of water a day, are less at risk of heart attacks. And even with a normal water balance, the duration of contact with carcinogens is reduced, which means that the risk of diseases of the bladder and colon decreases. In general, you need to drink not when you want, but constantly. If your mouth is dry, you are already dehydrated and have lost 1% of your body fluids. So I barely woke up, half an hour before breakfast, drink a glass of water, and then during the day – another 2-3 liters. It all depends on weight, activity, diseases. This regime helps to eat less – after all, we often mistake thirst for hunger. Drink every 15-20 minutes while exercising. Due to stress, the body loses moisture faster, and lactic acid is formed in the muscles (it hurts everything because of it), and water just helps to remove it faster. But what exactly to drink?

How to distinguish living water from dead water

The first thought is mineral water! However, it was no accident that before it was sold only in pharmacies – as a medicine. An overdose can lead to a malfunction of the kidneys, the formation of stones in them, and the washing out of useful substances from the body. So it is worth using it according to the doctor’s prescription – only in courses. Moreover, it must be of a certain temperature, and its quantity must be strictly limited. That is, running around the stadium and drinking half a bottle of mineral water after that is not just impossible, but also dangerous!

There is also artificially mineralized water. As experts explain, this is fresh water created using modern technologies and imitating the chemical composition of natural mineral or other waters. Of course, such a product will be better than tap water or purified bottled water. But artificially created water, of course, will never compare in taste and health with natural, natural. In addition, preservatives are often added to it, and this certainly does not benefit the body.

Drinking water is also not so simple. It is divided into two categories: the first (dining room) and the highest. The dining room is either purified tap water or that obtained from surface sources. Before selling it is softened, disinfected, chlorine and iron are removed, and the mineral composition is artificially supplemented – enriched with calcium and magnesium. Yes, such water is also better than ordinary tap water, but it does not reach the highest category both in quality and taste. That is, such water, as a rule, is simply harmless. But do not expect recovery from her. But water of the highest category must be extracted exclusively from artesian wells, the most protected from all kinds of pollution. However, the requirements of specialists for the norms of such water are not limited to safety alone (by the way, it is checked in our country according to 93 indicators). Another important criterion is the physiological usefulness of the composition.

Simply put, water should not only be neutral, harmless, but also useful, containing fluorine, iodine, calcium, potassium and other compounds necessary for the body. It is especially important that nature itself makes it complete in composition, that is, it does not require additional saturation. It is considered the most useful for daily use and the most harmonious for cells (it restores them, holds solid structures in the cell membrane, that is, protects organs and bones from rapid destruction, the effects of blows, serves as a lubricant for joints and helps tissue regeneration).

But there is a catch here. Not so long ago, communicating with the specialists of the Testing Center for Drinking Water and Wastewater, I learned that consumers often bring purchased eggplants and bottles with liquid for examination. Complain – like expensive products, but the taste and smell – blrrr. It turns out that even large manufacturers are sometimes negligent in their standards. Some do not purify well, others drive water through filters that wash everything useful out of it. As a result, it loses fluoride, calcium, magnesium. Neither the brand nor the high cost here is a guarantee at all.

– How to distinguish living water from dead water? – I turned to the local Rospotrebnadzor. – Be sure to look at the label – advised there. – The manufacturer, address and phone number, category, area of ​​application, type – carbonated or not, precautions, date of manufacture, expiration date and storage conditions are indicated on quality products. Buy in large stores and chains. And know: the best water is the one that is obtained near your place of residence, or similar in composition, since the body has already adapted to it. And if you have any doubts – bring it, we’ll study it.

The manufacturer is nature itself

I will not hide: I got excited. I looked at bottles in supermarkets, bought, evaluated. And finally I found the one suitable both in quality and taste – this is drinking water of the highest category “AQ” AQUIN… For greater confidence, I decided to look for information about her on the Internet – read reviews, look at the site. It turned out that this water is extracted in the village of Chernorechenskaya, Labinsk region, from a well in the Pseashkho glacier, which is on the border with the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve (and it, for a minute, is under the protection of UNESCO). Its PH is 7,5, that is, natural for humans (the pH of lemon juice, for example, is 2,5, that of blood is 7,4, and the optimal indicator for drinking water is just 7–7,5).

In addition, AQWIN’s AQ is bottled near the source of extraction. According to GOST standards, the plant was installed as close to the well as possible, in the mountains. Above – only a glacier! Water is supplied to the enterprise directly from an underground river, that is, it undergoes natural filtration with sand, stones and mandatory treatment with ultraviolet light, while not interacting with the atmosphere.

Such a sealed filling system makes it possible to make an exceptionally natural product. Yes Yes, “AQ” AQUIN, the same living water, which I spoke about above, whose quality is confirmed by state registration and the necessary certificates (they are on the website That is, you don’t even need to carry it for an examination – the web page contains the most recent documents. I was also bribed by the fact that this water is consumed by people watching their physical condition – athletes from the Krasnodar football club and the Lokomotiv-Kuban basketball club. I also remembered the advice of experts – to choose a product that is sold in large and proven stores, retail chains. And “AQ” AQUIN can be found on the shelves of “Tabris” and “Magnit” supermarkets. In a word, they convinced!

It has been almost two months since I took up my health. Of course, the abs are still far from the cubes, but I still noticed a positive trend. Firstly, it became easier and faster for me to wake up in the morning (and for an owl like me, this is still a feat!). I thought it was a coincidence, but then I read on the Internet that it was all due to the “swinging” metabolism (for this you need to eat and drink at a certain time, that is, not strictly according to the clock, but also not chaotically when you like). Secondly, the condition of the skin has noticeably improved – both on the face and on the body. Previously, I could not live without moisturizers, but now I often forget about lotions after a shower. That is, the body says thank you for taking care of it.

Thirdly, those same notorious couple of extra pounds left me long ago, and, most importantly, painlessly. I didn’t have to go on a tough diet and harass myself in the gym. As it turned out, it was enough to get out to the stadium a couple of times a week, eat vegetables and fruits more often, and most importantly – more liquid! A glass of water in the evening, for example, prevents hunger from overpowering my worthless willpower (that is, I do not go, like a sleepwalker, to the refrigerator after midnight for chocolate cupcakes). And also “AQ” AQUIN saturates the body with useful elements, that is, heals it. In a word, solid pluses! And if you feel great, you look good, then the mood is great! In general, the holiday season, I’m ready. Now you can go on vacation – the new swimsuit seems to be waiting for you!

About 7 days a person can spend without water if the air temperature is low, but if it is hot outside or indoors, then it will not work longer than 2-3 days; the need for water is in second place after oxygen;

86% water is contained in the body of a newborn and only 50% in the body of an elderly person, tomatoes are 96% water, and jellyfish are 99% at all;

20–30% metabolism accelerates after drinking water, which means that those who take up their health or are struggling with excess weight, just need to drink enough.

Water haunted people for a long time. She was feared, idolized and studied. And when they could not explain something, they came up with legends. About living and dead water, for example. In the era of technological progress, it became clear: our ancestors were not so far from the truth. It turned out that water does have a memory. After research, it turned out that theoretically there can exist a certain “crystal” of water, consisting of 912 molecules, the life of which is minutes, hours and even weeks. And if some substance gets into the purified, distilled water, its edges will be imprinted on the “crystals” of water. How does this affect our lives? Imagine that the structure of water consists of a large group of molecules called clusters. Scientists who have been studying the informational memory of water for several years now argue that negative words and actions destroy these clusters. And positive, beautiful phrases on the contrary create small clusters – they are the ones that are distinguished by long-term memory. Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto conducted more than one experiment in his laboratory and this is what he found out. If you write “Thank you!” On one bottle of water, and “You are deaf” on the other and leave them for a while, then beautiful crystals will appear on the one where gratitude is expressed. The phrase “Love and gratitude” purifies the water the most. That is, good words are stronger than evil ones. Experiments also show that water “remembers” those substances that were dissolved in it some time ago, lends itself to magnetic processing and changes its properties depending on the color of the table on which the glass stands. You can treat the results of these studies in different ways, but you certainly cannot argue with the fact that you need to drink water in a good mood and often say pleasant things to each other!

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