How much water should you drink a day for weight loss or 10 facts about the benefits of water

Water is the source of energy and strength. How much water should you drink a day for weight loss? What are the benefits water has on the body. And you should pay special attention in its use. All of this, read below.

Water use is difficult to overestimate. On average, every person should consume daily 1.5-2 liters. To accurately calculate how much water should you drink per day, use the following formula:

  • For men: 35 x body weight
  • For women: 31 x body weight

For example, if you are a girl and your weight is 60 kg, then your rate of water consumption per day is (60 x 31) = 1860 ml. of training a day you should increase the figure to at least 500 ml. water Use during sport are obvious: it helps to restore the body after physical exertion and promotes entry of amino acids into muscle cells and protein digestion.

How much water should you drink a day?

The enormous benefits of water consumption have heard, probably, everyone. Let’s just elaborate on useful properties of water and its effect on the body.

10 facts about the benefits of water

  1. Water is a nutrient medium for the cells, it flows all the chemical processes in our body. Blood contains 90% water, brain 85%, muscle — 75%, bones — 28%.
  2. Water plays a crucial role in the process of losing weight. If the body it is not enough, kidneys are unable to function normally. And then comes the support the liver, and therefore her ability to participate in the metabolism of fat is drastically reduced.
  3. Insufficient water intake affects the skin, bowel and joints. It is because of them, our body takes the liquid for normal functioning of such important organs as the liver, brain, heart and lungs.
  4. Sometimes we mistake for hunger signal to the brain about the body’s dehydration. If you feel you want to snack, drink a glass of water – almost guaranteed you satisfy your hunger.
  5. Another benefit of water: it is rich in mineral salts. Its composition will differ depending on the region and the rocks through which it passes. In some more magnesium, other sodium and potassium.
  6. Due to lack of drinking water develop many diseases because the body to counter dehydration may not. He starts to take the water from the cell and the extracellular fluid, and then from the blood stream.
  7. The water contains 0 calories so you can drink it without worrying about the figure.
  8. Dehydrated body can not be promptly clean body from harmful substances, and they enter the bloodstream. This instantly affects the state of the skin, which becomes dry and loose, starts to peel off, her pimples. By the way, if you care about your health and beauty, don’t forget to follow the oral hygiene. Quality services for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the teeth are available here:
  9. The water is a kind of vehicle to deliver vitamins and enzymes to all cells in the human body.
  10. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the intestine. Regular lack of fluid can cause constipation and disturbances of digestion.

How to force yourself to drink water?

When a person feels thirsty, then it is a serious Wake-up call from the body signaling its dehydration. It is not necessary to bring it to this state. But how to force myself to drink water throughout the day? We recommend you to use some simple tips:

  1. Start your day with one glass of water. If you like a morning lie in bed, put on the nightstand next to a bottle of water and drink it immediately after waking up.
  2. Always take to school or work a bottle of 1,5 l of water. Always keep it to yourself, and you will not notice how SIP by SIP will empty the receptacle.
  3. If you forget about regular fluid intake, download the mobile app on the phone, which will be timely to remind you how much water you need to drink a day. For example, Water Balance or Water Your Body.
  4. In the evening from the extra portions for dinner and save a glass of water. If you want to protect yourself from eating at night, timely quench your thirst. But right before going to bed to drink water is not recommended: it can give the extra mile on the kidneys and cause swelling.
  5. To improve the taste of water add a few drops of lemon juice.

After a week you will not force yourself to drink water – your body will get used and he will be reminded of its necessity.

However, all you need to do with the mind. Should not exceed the stipulated norm of water, because its excessive use can also cause harm, but to give the load on the kidneys and heart.

Terms of use of water:

  • Do not drink water while eating: it makes it difficult to digestion. Also, do not drink it in less than 20 minutes before a meal and within 45 minutes after.
  • On the day of training increase the rate of water consumption 0.5-1 liter and don’t forget to drink it before, during and after class.
  • Consume water in its pure form. Tea, coffee, lemonade, juice do not count!
  • Coffee picks up moisture from the body. 1 Cup of coffee should be 2 cups water to restore water balance.
  • The ideal temperature of drinking water — 20° C. This will help to increase the calorie consumption which is spent for warming the body. However, beware of too cold water can cause disease of the throat.
  • It is undesirable to use tap water it contains chlorine and other harmful contaminants.

To calculate the rate, how much water per day is very simple. The case for small: to begin to observe it, because the use of water for the body is not questioned.

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