How much vitamin C should I take to improve immunity? Does it help protect against COVID-19? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Strong immunity is the best way to stay healthy, especially in the current COVID-19 pandemic. Vitamin C is most often associated with strengthening the body’s immune system. When will vitamin C improve our immunity? How much does it need to be delivered to be effective? What is the best way to meet the need for this compound? And finally, can vitamin C be a panacea for coronavirus, as some reports suggest? We explain!

  1. Vitamin C does not prevent COVID-19 or other infections, it does not cure them. However, it has an impact on the condition of our immunity
  2. Vitamin C cares for immunity only when we meet the daily requirement for this compound. Dr. Lidia Stopyra: It does not happen when we provide the body with very high doses of vitamin C
  3. When does taking vitamin C supplements make sense? Dr. Stopyra: let’s take it when we have a shortage of it. Then our immunity will actually be weakened
  4. Always up-to-date information on COVID-19 can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Vitamin C protects against coronavirus? How does it affect the body?

Occasionally, there are reports of the importance of vitamin C in the fight against COVID-19, including that high doses of vitamin C protect against SARS-CoV-2 and other infections. We clarify right away: there is currently insufficient evidence to suggest that vitamin C works against COVID-19.

So let’s remember: vitamin C does not prevent COVID-19 or other infections, it does not cure them, nor does it significantly reduce the duration of the disease or its milder course.

  1. Vitamin C is not a panacea for colds and flu

The fact is, however, that vitamin C (i.e. ascorbic acid) is one of the most important compounds that ensure the proper functioning of our body. What seems to be a key issue in the COVID-19 era is that vitamin C affects the condition of our immunity. One of its functions is to regulate the absorption of pathogenic microorganisms by leukocytes.

In addition, ascorbic acid accelerates wound healing, inhibits gingival bleeding, seals blood vessels, slows down the aging process of the skin, lowers blood pressure, regulates the production of collagen – protein present in e.g. in bones, teeth, skin and cartilage, it affects the absorption of calcium and iron. We should also remember that it is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals responsible for DNA damage.

Vitamin C demand – who needs the most?

The recommended intake of vitamin C varies by country. It depends on age, sex and physiological state. It is known that pregnant and nursing women, people suffering from hypertension, diabetics, smokers, the elderly and those living under stress need more.

  1. Vitamin C – importance in the body and the effects of deficiency [EXPLAINED]

So what is the Recommended Daily Allowance (EAR) in Poland? In children between 1 and 3 years of age, it is 30 mg / day, and in children 4-12 years old – 40 mg / day. Between the ages of 13 and 18, the EAR for girls is 55 mg / day and for boys 65 mg / day.

The requirement for vitamin C in adult women from the age of 19 is 60 mg / day, and in adult men 75 mg / day. In pregnant women, the EAR increases by 10 mg / day according to the age group they belong to (<19 or ≥19). For nursing women up to the age of 18, the EAR is 95 mg / day, and for lactating women aged 19 or later - 100 mg / day.

An excellent source of vitamin C is acerola, and at Medonet Market you can buy Acerola Juice – natural vitamin C 1000ml.

If you are afraid of decreased immunity, it is worth consulting your family doctor. We encourage you to contact us in the form of fast and safe teleportation without leaving your home!

How do you know if we may be deficient in vitamin C?

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis C may include weakness in the body, fatigue, more difficult wound healing, bleeding gums, and a tendency to infections. In order to make sure that we are really lacking in vitamin C, a blood test of ascorbic acid can be performed. It consists in drawing blood from a vein. After serum centrifugation, the concentration of ascorbic acid is determined in the laboratory.

You can supplement vitamin C deficiencies thanks to dietary supplements. A good choice will be DuoLife Vitamin C, which additionally supports the immune system and adds energy. Dietary supplement DuoLife Vitamin C is suitable for children and adults. You can also choose other immunity preparations available on Medonet Market.

Also try the Immunity Superfoods Elixir Intenson – a strengthening elixir.

Of course, the test is also performed in the case of suspicion of too high concentration of ascorbic acid – however, such situations rarely occur. Dr. Lidia Stopyra, a pediatrician and infectious disease specialist, reminds that the body can cope with excess vitamin C by limiting its absorption and excreting it with urine.

If you suspect that your vitamin C levels are too high, it is advisable to consult your GP. Importantly, you do not have to leave your home. Purchase and arrange a convenient home visit of a family doctor!

When is it worth supplementing with vitamin C – an important rule

As mentioned above, vitamin C cares for our immunity. This only happens when we meet the daily requirements for this compound. – This does not happen when we provide the body with very high doses of vitamin C – emphasizes Lidia Stopyra. – Then it will only come to the point that the body will limit its absorption and remove this excess – he adds.

So when does taking vitamin C supplements make sense? – Take it in a situation where we have a shortage of it. Then our immunity will indeed be weakened, which will result in an increased incidence of infections, but also cancer – explains the infectious diseases specialist, pointing to the fact that if someone eats properly, he will not be in danger of vitamin C deficiency.

If you want to supply your body with vitamin C, you can reach for Intenson vitamin C powder. We also recommend VIT C 2000 Shot in a liquid in a convenient form of a shot.

Of course, if someone wants, he can take vitamin C. – In this way, a healthy person will probably not hurt himself, because as we have already said, our body can get rid of the excess of this compound. So what will be the use of such supplementation? – says our expert.

Supplementation with vitamin C will be useful during the infection period. – This is the time when the immune system, mobilizing to fight, needs more vitamins. This time, however, is quite short – several days – explains the doctor.

Vitamin C is believed to be virtually non-toxic. Nevertheless, high doses of ascorbic acid can be dangerous in people with sickle cell anemia, they can also contribute to the formation of kidney stones or gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, it is assumed that a safe dose of vitamin C does not exceed 1000 mg.

Do you want to check how your immune system works? We recommend a blood test package, thanks to which you can also assess the condition of internal organs. It also allows you to check immunity after vaccination against COVID-19.

The best natural sources of vitamin C.

Our body does not produce vitamin C, so we have to supply it “from the outside”. The best way to meet your vitamin needs is through a healthy and varied diet. Where can we find the most vitamin C?

Fresh vegetables and fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C. Large amounts of this vitamin are found in black currant, parsley, kale, Brussels sprouts, yellow pepper (red pepper contains slightly less of it), rosehips, blackberries, and broccoli. It is also worth eating silage.

If you want to increase your immunity, we also recommend a set of four Natjun teas available at Medonet Market at a good price.

In winter, it’s hard to find fresh black currants or blackberries. So let’s use frozen food – freezing is the best form of storing products rich in vitamin C.

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