How much to cook boletus and how to clean before cooking

Of the huge variety of mushrooms found on the territory of the Federation, one of the most common are boletus mushrooms, which are distinguished by their perfect taste and rich chemical composition. In order to cook them with high quality, you need to learn how to accurately find them, correctly select and clean boletus boletus, and follow the recipe for dishes.

The method of processing and cooking affects the quality of the final product, the duration of its storage, the possibility of using blanks for a long time. The ability to select, clean and cook fruiting bodies well and quickly will be useful to any housewife who has a desire to serve delicious pickles, snacks, soups based on popular forest gifts.

How to peel boletus mushrooms before cooking

How much to cook boletus and how to clean before cooking

Mushrooms are a product that spoils quickly, so they need to be processed as soon as possible. Before you start cleaning mushroom raw materials, it should be carefully examined and sorted based on several criteria – size, quality and age.

For cleaning you will need a knife, a cloth and a small brush. The contamination of boletus boletus depends on where they grew up. Collected in the forest – will have to be freed from grass, foliage, moss, twigs and other debris. Found in open spaces, clearings – must be cleaned from earth, dust, leaves.

Processing is carried out according to the plan:

  1. Remove foliage, needles, debris from the surface of mushrooms with a brush.
  2. Trim the base of the leg and peel the skin with a sharp knife.
  3. Cut the cap and leg lengthwise in order to detect damage and worms.

Young and strong specimens should be set aside for further drying, and old and affected ones should be thrown away or soaked in salted water (2 tablespoons of coarse rock salt per 1 liter of water) to remove worms and insects.

How much to cook boletus and how to clean before cooking

Mushrooms intended for drying are not soaked, not washed, but only cleaned with a cloth or scraping off dirt and plaque with a knife. Fruit bodies for frying, pickling, cooking are soaked in water for 1 hour, after which they begin processing.

Important! To make it convenient to clean, you should separate the hat, then remove the top layer from it with a knife and rinse or wipe.

After the boletus has been cleaned according to all the rules, mushrooms can be cooked.

Is it necessary to boil boletus

How much to cook boletus and how to clean before cooking

To obtain a quality product, it is not enough to learn how to properly clean the boletus, their preliminary boiling is considered no less important. The need for cooking is explained by the fact that they are able to absorb toxins from the soil during growth.

Important! The larger the fruit bodies, the higher the concentration of harmful substances in them.

In large specimens, the waste products of the fungi themselves accumulate, which creates a danger to human health.

Pre-boiling helps to ensure that most of the toxins pass into the broth, and the boletus is cleaned. Cooking is required if the fruiting bodies were collected within the city, near highways, railways, in an industrial area. The appearance of the boletus can be impeccable, it practically does not need to be cleaned, but at the same time the fruiting body is maximally saturated with toxins. Heat treatment minimizes the risk of poisoning.

Although cooking reduces the aroma and taste of the product, its usefulness increases significantly.

If you boil boletus mushrooms according to the rules, correctly performing all the manipulations, observing the time frame of heat treatment, you can get mushrooms, from which it is easy to cook delicious dishes that are absolutely safe for the human body.

More about how to clean and cook boletus – in the video:

boletus cooking

How to cook boletus

Among the cooking recipes, the most popular are salting, pickling, frying, soups from frozen mushroom semi-finished products. In each case, there are subtleties of heat treatment of boletus before cooking.

Before freezing

To obtain a semi-finished product, you can freeze boletus mushrooms, having previously boiled them, and in winter it is easy and quick to cook a tasty and healthy dish from them. Preparation for freezing is as follows:

  1. Before you start cooking boletus for freezing, they must be cleaned, washed and cut into small slices.
  2. Put in a saucepan, fill with water.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 40 minutes over low heat.
  4. Remove foam periodically.
  5. Drain the broth and dry the boletus a little.
  6. Prepare containers.
  7. Arrange the cooled fruit bodies in containers, close and put in the freezer.

How much to cook boletus and how to clean before cooking

Before salting

To prepare pickles, mushrooms are cooked twice. To this end, they are cleaned, washed, cut into pieces and dipped in the prepared brine after it boils. Boil for about half an hour, then drain the liquid. Boletus mushrooms are placed in a new brine, boiled for about 10 more minutes. and start salting.

How to cook before frying

How much to cook boletus and how to clean before cooking

To prepare boletus for frying, you can cook them in two ways. The first one is as follows:

  1. Fruiting bodies are cleaned, poured with cold water, put on fire.
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Remove foam periodically.
  4. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook for about an hour.

The second option involves the following procedure:

  1. Boletus mushrooms are cleaned, poured with water and quickly brought to a boil.
  2. Boil for 5 min.
  3. The decoction is drained.
  4. Again dipped in clean hot salted water, put on fire.
  5. After boiling, boletus mushrooms are recommended to be boiled for about 20 minutes, removing the foam.

How to cook dried boletus

How much to cook boletus and how to clean before cooking

If you need to cook already dried boletus mushrooms, you should first soak them in water for 2 hours. After that, put them in salted boiling water, cover with a lid, and cook for 2 hours over low heat.

It is worth remembering the secrets of the process:

  • so that the mushrooms do not darken, they must be washed in water before cooking, adding citric acid or vinegar there;
  • as a result of joint cooking of boletus and boletus, very tasty and rich broths are obtained;
  • to preserve the taste and aroma, you need to cook the mushroom mass over medium heat;
  • spices should be added after cooking;
  • boletus mushrooms go well with pepper, bay leaf, herbs.

How much to cook boletus mushrooms until tender

In order to bring the boletus to full readiness, it is worth boiling them for 40 minutes. This period can be divided into two equal intervals: after the first – drain the broth and change to new water.

Additional cooking somewhat reduces the taste of boletus. However, the toxins in them can be removed quite successfully by boiling. The complete readiness of the product is judged by the moment the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan.

Many housewives advise not only to cook boletus in “two waters”, but also to add an onion to the broth. It can be used to judge the edibility of fruiting bodies. If the color has changed to blue, then there is a poisonous specimen in the pan.

How much to cook boletus and how to clean before cooking


Belonging to the highest category does not eliminate the need to thoroughly clean the boletus and cook them according to all the rules. Mushrooms that have not undergone heat treatment have a richer taste after frying or salting, but getting rid of toxins that inevitably accumulate in the fruiting bodies is possible only with the help of cooking.

The choice of everyone is to boil the collected gifts of the forest or not. Common sense dictates the need to significantly reduce the risk of harm to health – thoroughly clean and heat-treat mushroom raw materials.

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