How much time will you save by giving up household chores

It is worth finding someone who will agree to iron things or wash windows, as you can carve out your beloved from an hour to a whole day.

October 10 2019

Household chores are rarely a joy. Alas, it is impossible to get rid of them, but it is quite possible to delegate. And the truth is, if there is someone who is ready make dinner or to get out for a completely adequate amount, why not entrust him with such matters? And spend the free time with your favorite book, a new episode of a film or in a beauty salon.

Together with “Yula”, an ad service, compiled small but very impressive statistics. It turns out that washing windows costs about 300 rubles an hour, and time is won for a full-fledged film or fitness. The services of a housekeeper are the most expensive, but thanks to her you can devote almost a whole day to your beloved. So, what can you delegate, how much time to win and how much will it cost?

From 1 o’clock

Relatively inexpensive in terms of both time and finance turned out to be laundry service and walking the dogs. They take about an hour and cost an average of 150 rubles per hour. It sounds modest, but what do you prefer – relaxing in the bath after a day at work or walking your four-legged friend in the rain? The timing is the same, but the pleasure of the process is different.

In addition to washing, you can also order ironing service… They will come out a little more expensive, about 500 rubles per hour, but they will be freed from monotonous activities. The time won will definitely be enough for a new episode of the series. And, judging by the fact that they began to use such services 26% more often, the offer is really tempting.

The cook can also save time and effort for an hour or serviceman… The first will promptly prepare dinner and ask for about 500 rubles per hour (and in a restaurant the check would have been several times higher), the second will try to fix the problems in a short time, and his service will cost about 400 rubles per hour.

From 3 hours

Spring-cleaning, washing windows, dry cleaning furniture – the time spent on them can be used with greater benefit. For example, go in for fitness, go to the salon for a manicure or eyelash extension, or you can sign up for a master class or refresher courses.

Moreover, knowing the tricks, you can save a lot on such services. For example, in April washing windows will be the cheapest – on average 250 rubles per hour, in January for the same service you will be asked for 150 rubles more. The demand for dry cleaning of furniture increases at the end of summer and before the New Year holidays, it is possible that at this time the price tag may also increase, therefore, if you want to keep within 400 rubles per hour, then agree in advance.

For a good cleaning in the apartment, on average, they will ask for about 700 rubles per hour, but if you get into the season, for example, before the New Year or Easter, then it is possible that prices will rise.

5 hours or more

So much time will help you save housekeeper… She immediately provides a range of services. For example, for 1500 rubles per hour, you can ask her to clean the house, wash, iron, and also prepare food. Separately, such services will be 340 rubles more expensive.

For busy moms, a nanny will also be a salvation. But note that a weekend nanny will cost more, an average of 40 rubles per hour.

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