A moment ago I drank syrup, ate fruit, ate a bar with alcohol filling – these are just a few of the many excuses of Polish drivers who try to avoid testing with a breathalyzer. We checked how much syrup you really need to drink to have 1,5 per mille of alcohol in your blood.
- The safest thing to do is to follow the principle “you’ve been drinking, don’t drive.” Polish law allows for driving with a concentration of 0,2 blood per mille
- Responsible behavior on the road rests with the driver and is not explained by e.g. medications
- Doctor: alcohol is metabolized at a constant rate of about 0,2 per mille per hour
- You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page
We recently described the story of a driver from Podlasie, who had 1,5 per mille of alcohol in his body during a road inspection. Officers were told that it was the effect of drinking syrup and alcohol-free beer. A resident of the Sokolski poviat lost his driving license.
- Read: What happens in your body when you drink small doses of alcohol every day?
1,5 per mille – how many tablespoons of syrup?
It is impossible to precisely determine how much alcohol you need to drink for the breathalyzer to show 1,5 per mille after an hour. The final result is influenced by many factors, including age, weight, metabolism and frequency of alcohol consumption. For the purposes of this article, let’s assume that the case concerns a 39-year-old man weighing 75 kg and 1,75 m tall, who consumed alcohol an hour before the ride. In practice, this means that during this time he would have to consume 80 g of pure alcohol. That’s a little more than four beers.
– It is believed that alcohol is metabolized at a constant rate of approx. 0,2 per mille per hour, so we need 2 hours to metabolize 10 per mille – Dr. Eryk Matuszkiewicz, a specialist in clinical toxicology and internal diseases, calculated for MedTvoiLokony.
- Check it out: How to take care of your liver when you drink a lot of alcohol?
Standard dry cough syrup is prepared on the basis of alcohol. Assuming that the bottle contains approx. 150 ml of the drug, depending on its composition, it contains approx. 0,356 pure ethanol. In order to receive 80 g of pure alcohol in this way, one would have to drink almost 225 bottles of syrup.
Drinking and driving in Poland – doses
There is no safe dose of alcohol to drive. Any amount distracts the driver, lengthens reaction time and lowers concentration. It is worth remembering, however, that the permissible amount of alcohol in the blood, which will not cause legal consequences, is 0,2 per mille in the blood. Values between 0,2 and 0,5 per mille mean the so-called state after consumptionand above 0,5 is already state of intoxication. The amount of any penalties is determined by the value of the breathalyser and the circumstances of the event. To avoid this, take time to regenerate.
- Take a look: Drugs that should not be used in driving a car
It is worth mentioning, by the way, that he took up the issue of drinking syrup based on alcohol in April this year. Supreme Court. In the judgment issued at that time, it was emphasized that the driver should check the information about its composition and safe doses when taking a medical preparation before driving a car. Penalties and guilt are not mitigated by the lack of observance of the precautionary rules and the multiple exceeding of the recommended dose of the drug.
AlcoTEST, i.e. testing the alcohol content in the exhaled air, can be purchased at Medonet Market.
Read also:
- Do you drink a lot of alcohol? Here are ways to keep your liver from collapsing
- Before the after-party, he got a drip for a hangover. What does the doctor say?
- How long does alcohol stay in the body? How long does a detox take?
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