How much should your child’s backpack weigh? You can calculate it

The school year is a difficult time for the spine. A schoolbag often becomes an excessive burden for him, which has consequences for his health. The weight of the backpack should be adapted to the weight of the student. How to make sure it is so? There is a very simple way.

Według World Health Organization (WHO) the weight of a student’s backpack should not exceed 10 percent. the weight of the child. So you can calculate its limit weight by multiplying the weight of the pupil in kilograms by 0,1.

In prepared by Children’s Health Center percentile grids for children and adolescents aged 3-18 provide information on the average body weight in individual age groups (broken down by gender: D – girl, CH – boy):

  1. 7 lat — D: 23 kg, CH: 25 kg,
  2. 8 lat — D: 27 kg, CH: 28 kg,
  3. 9 lat — D: 30 kg, CH: 31 kg,
  4. 10 lat — D: 33 kg, CH: 34 kg,
  5. 11 years – D / CH: 38 kg,
  6. 12 years old- D / CH: 43 kg,
  7. 13 lat — D: 47 kg, CH: 48 kg,
  8. 14lat — D:51kg, CH:54kg,
  9. 15 lat — D: 53 kg,59 kg,
  10. 16 lat — D: 55 kg,63 kg,
  11. 17 lat — D: 56 kg,66 kg,
  12. 18 lat — D: 56 kg,70 kg.

On this basis, it can be estimated that a seven-year-old girl (going to first grade), weighing an average of 23 kg, should not wear a schoolbag heavier than 2,3 kg. For a 25-year-old boy who weighs around 2,5 kg according to the net, the upper limit is 3 kg. The maximum weight of a student’s backpack exceeds 5 kg only when the child enters the third grade. By contrast, XNUMX kg reaches when a student starts eighth grade.

Wearing too heavy a satchel results in troublesome back pain (both in the cervical and lumbar spine), and in the long run, posture defects. In addition, the overloaded backpack also suffers from the knee joints and even the brain, which is hypoxic, because the deformed figure reduces lung capacity.

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