How much should a newborn poop, per day, day, times
Each child has an individual structure of the digestive system. Therefore, no pediatrician will be able to answer exactly how much a newborn should poop. Indeed, for some babies, stool is considered the norm, which occurs after each feeding, while other babies “endure” 2-3 days.
How many times a day a newborn poop
Immediately after birth, the baby defecates with meconium, the primary black-green or brown feces. And only on the 5-6th day the bowel function is normalized. At the same time, the frequency of bowel movements in babies can be very different. For example, some children poop after each feeding, that is, about 10-12 times. For others, bowel movements are considered the norm, which occurs much less often.
There is no definite norm for how much a newborn should poop.
Stool is considered normal, despite its frequency, if the process of bowel movement itself does not cause much discomfort to the baby. That is, he calmly poops without pain and strain. If, during a bowel movement, the baby does not groan, but cries, then most likely he has constipation. In this case, the mother needs to reconsider her diet and avoid fatty foods and sweets.
Do not medicate a baby for constipation. In extreme cases, he can be helped with an enema.
If constipation torments a baby on artificial nutrition, then most likely you are cooking it too concentrated. But the wrong brand of the product can also cause intestinal disorders.
The volume of bowel movements directly depends on how much food the baby eats. In the first month of life, the amount of feces in a breastfed baby is 15–20 grams. In the future, the mass of feces increases to 40-50 grams.
Infants who are formula-fed have much more stool. And already in the first month, its weight reaches 40 grams.
For newborns, loose or mushy stools are considered normal. Moreover, it should be uniform, although a small amount of impurities is allowed. The main thing is that there is no mucus or blood in the stool.
As for the color, it can be from light yellow to brown. In addition, babies often have greenish bowel movements. Such a phenomenon should be scary only if the feces have never been painted in this color before.
There is no set standard for how often and when a newborn should defecate. After all, each baby has an individual intestinal structure. Therefore, pay attention to how the baby behaves. And if he is calm and does not cry, then everything is in order.