How much should a child sleep at 2 years old: a lesson for mom and dad, sleep at lunch in the afternoon
As the child grows up, his routine and habits gradually change. Sleep still takes up most of his time. A child at 2 years old should sleep as much as needed for full recovery and proper psycho-emotional development.
Sleep lesson for mom and dad
At this age, the total time the child sleeps should be 12-13 hours. One day’s sleep, and it should last 1,5-2 hours. The rest of the time is at night. If the child refuses to sleep during the day, the night’s rest should take all this time.
How much should a child sleep at 2 years old – at least 12 hours
But this is not correct when the child does not sleep for such a long time. The wakefulness period should not exceed 6 consecutive hours. Neglect of this rule can harm the child, his health and emotional state, he will become nervous, capricious, he may look tired or, conversely, overly overexcited.
If the child refuses to go to bed on time, does not comply with the regime, the reason may be age characteristics:
- A period of denial, when the child does not agree with every word of the parents. This is a natural stage of development, absolutely everyone goes through it, and you need to be patient. The more calmly you live this moment, the faster it will end and the problem will disappear.
- Interest in knowing the world around, the ability to break prohibitions or cross borders. He wants to know what will happen if he does not follow the request of adults.
- “I myself.” The illusion of adulthood in a child makes him think that he himself can decide when he should do what. Mom should calmly accept such independence, but confidently and persistently show the baby that he cannot solve some issues.
If adults find an approach and accept the baby with his age-related changes, then soon it will be possible to normalize sleep and enter the regime.
It is good if the child falls asleep after lunch at the same time. You can give up daytime sleep only when he is really ready for this. Otherwise, it will lead to overwork and unbearable load.
If a child does not sleep all day, but he is cheerful and active all the time, is not capricious and maintains an even emotional state, then there is no need to worry about daytime sleep.
At the same time, at night, he must replenish all the spent energy and fully restore strength – this should take 12 hours. With a worked out regimen with daytime sleep – 11 hours.
It is important that the baby wakes up in the morning by himself. If you have to wake him up in the kindergarten yourself, you need to change the laying time to an earlier one.