How much is 60 minutes of your time worth my friend?
How much do you earn in those 60 minutes?
Count it.
If you’re a freelancer (programmer, lawyer…) with an hourly rate, you know.
If every time you determine «by eye», then maybe it’s time to finally decide, and maybe raise the bet?
If you are a businessman, then perhaps you have never calculated the cost of an hour, but you have always evaluated your employees in terms of who and how much money brings you for this very hour?
But even if you are just in office slavery and on a salary, try to calculate, it’s curious.
Based on working hours per day = working hours per month. Month > Week > Day > Hour.
So now you know.
What’s next?
First, decide whether the received figure suits you?
If yes, very good.
At the same time, I hope that you are NOT satisfied.
And from now on, we’ve been moving on.
This exercise has 2 meanings.
First, food for further mathematical thought — how to raise your cost per hour / how to increase the number of productive hours, etc.
Second. Another attitude to time when you use it is inappropriate, inefficient.
Or when they take it from you.
Imagine that when you are distracted by a “chatty” colleague or you watch TV, then for you this is a specific loss of very specific money.
That is your «chatty» colleague simply steals money from you. Just like your favorite TV.
Stop thinking in the format «The soldier is sleeping, but the service is on.»
What are you doing at this hour? Are these actions really the proverbial 20% Pareto principle (20% of actions bring 80% of results/money)?
If, according to the results of the control, you consistently answer “no” within 3-4 days, is it any wonder that you do not earn the money that you would like to earn?
From this moment on, you will have a persistent feeling of dissatisfaction if you spent this hour “ineffectively”, without benefit.
Of course, money is not a universal measure. But they are a clear uncompromising ORM.
And payment per hour, too, in my opinion, is not universal. For me, for example, pay for the result is closer.
At the same time — if you start with something, then start with this.
Sobering. Motivates.
Count. Get rid of the thieves. Raise the cost. Increase productivity.
Appreciate the time. It costs money. Each hour. Every minute. Every second.
PS: If you (under your leadership) have a sales team, ask them this question. A good seller knows exactly the answer to this question. For his time is his money and the company’s money.
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