How much, how to cook veal

One of the healthiest and most nutritious foods is calf meat, which is less than five months old. It has a characteristic pale pink color, is juicy, and when properly prepared, it just melts in your mouth. How to properly cook such meat for the whole family? How to cook veal for a child? Let’s figure it out.

To make the veal tender and tasty, it must be cooked as follows

  • before cooking, the meat must be thoroughly rinsed;
  • veal is laid in boiling water;
  • to get more tender meat as a result of cooking, it must be cut across the fibers;
  • for a start, put a saucepan with meat on a medium-intensity fire, when the water boils – reduce. When cooking over high heat, the desired result will not be, the veal will not have time to cook, and the liquid will boil away;
  • it is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid, the resulting foam must be removed;
  • you need to salt at the end, 15 minutes before turning off the fire;
  • try not to overdo it with the spices added during the cooking process, they can ruin the delicate taste. Remember that everything is good in moderation. A little salt, bay leaf, if desired, dried fruits and peppercorns will be enough;
  • to get the most tender veal as a result of cooking, after 40 minutes of cooking, drain the liquid and fill it with clean water, boiling the meat in it for another 20 minutes;
  • wanting to get a rich broth, cook the meat in one large piece for a little over an hour;
  • if the veal has a lot of tendons, the cooking time should be more than 1 hour;
  • after turning off the heat, do not rush to immediately get the meat out of the broth, let it brew for another 20-25 minutes, so it will become more juicy.

Following simple rules, you can easily cook delicious and tender veal.

On average, calf meat needs to be boiled for 60 minutes, but this can be adjusted depending on the size and number of chunks. For example, 150 g of veal, cut into small pieces, will reach readiness in less than 1 hour.

How much veal to cook also depends on the cooking method. Using a multicooker will have to wait 120 minutes, while cooking is in the “stewing” mode. Pieces are placed in a bowl, filled with water so that the liquid covers them. Bay leaf and peppercorns are added if desired.

To obtain the most tender boiled meat, you need to cut a piece into layers, each of which is wrapped in cling film, thrown into boiled water, and kept in it for 2-3 minutes. Then the pan is removed from the heat, and the meat continues to languish in it for up to half an hour, after which the film is removed, and the veal is dipped into clean water and continues to cook for about 1 hour.

How much veal to cook for a child? As much as for adults, cooking for babies differs only in the absence of spices.

By following these simple rules, you will end up with juicy and tender meat that is perfect for a healthy diet.

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