How much honey can you get from one hive per season

The yield of honey from one hive per season depends on many factors: both main and indirect. Predicting the volume of pumping is 100% difficult even for an experienced beekeeper.

What factors affect the amount of honey

How much honey can you get from one hive per season

The amount of honey harvest produced by 1 bee colony is affected by:

  • the severity of winter weather;
  • size of beehives;
  • productivity of bees;
  • timing of the spring season;
  • number of rainy and sunny summer days;
  • the time of the autumn season.

Accordingly, the longer the warm and sunny season lasts, the more honey can be collected from one hive.

Depending on the climatic zone, beekeepers also choose breeds of bees. The most resistant to frosty winters and changeable summers in central Our Country are the Carpathian and Central individuals.

The honey base also affects the quality and quantity of the crop. The preferred options for placing an apiary are places near mass plantings of flowering trees or sown meadows. The most useful for collections include linden and buckwheat.

If there are not enough honey plants in the area, beekeepers use the nomadic method, in which the hives are transported closer to flowering plantations.

Important! It is not advisable to travel outside the same climatic zone. Insects can experience stress, which can negatively affect future crops.

How much honey does one bee bring

In the process of nectar flow, a bee can bring approximately 30 mg of nectar into the hive. In a good period, the insect makes about ten sorties and the collection reaches 40 – 50 mg at a time. To get 1 tsp. honey, she needs to make 2 thousand sorties.

How much honey does a bee bring in its life

The life span of an individual depends on the time of birth. On average, a bee lives for about 60 days. And only 20 of them make productive sorties.

The least live bees born in the spring. The peak of the honey season in the summer makes the insects work at a “shock” pace. This greatly reduces the lifespan.

Those born in summer live longer, but usually do not survive the freezing winters.

Bees born in autumn are able to survive until the next summer and take part in the harvest. This is due to the winter dormancy period and a nutritious diet rich in microelements.

Flying about 40 km a day, the bee brings 17 – 20 g of nectar. From this amount, ¼ g of the final product is obtained.

Thus, an insect brings about 5 g, or 1/2 tsp, in its life. goodies.

How much honey can you get from one hive per season

How much honey does the hive give

The volume of the bribe is influenced by the size of the bee house and the features of its design. Spacious multi-hull hives are considered the most effective.

The absence of overheating keeps insects active, increases their endurance for long flights, and also minimizes the likelihood of swarming.

On average, beekeepers can collect about 16 kilograms from a hive.

How much honey does a hive produce per day

Getting a treat from 1 hive depends on the size. The smallest ones contain 8 frames. The maximum possible number of frames is 24.

The house can accommodate from 70 to 110 thousand individuals. Taking into account these data, from 1 to 1,5 kg of honey can be obtained from one hive per day.

How much honey is in the frame of Dadana

The nest frame, designed by Charles Dadan, has a size of 430 * 300 mm, a half-frame – 430 * 150 mm.

According to the creator, in order to obtain the maximum number of liters of honey from one hive per season, houses with 12 frames or 24 half-frames are optimal.

The second option is the most popular.

So, one half-frame with honey weighs 2 – 2,5 kg. At the same time, the weight of the frame itself reaches 1,5 – 2 kg, and wax – up to 100 g. As a result, 1 – 24 kg are collected from 32 hive.

How much honey can be obtained from a beehive in a season with a nomadic apiary

The principle of nomadic beekeeping involves repeated – from two to seven – movements of the apiary to places that are at the peak of flowering.

This creates large labor costs for moving, financial investments and the risk of family death due to changing conditions. However, throughout the season, the nomadic maintenance of the apiary significantly increases the volume of bribes from the honey base.

Experienced beekeepers recommend reducing the number of hives and making every effort to improve the performance of each remaining nest.

Under good weather conditions, minimal risks of swarming and death of insects, 1 hive of a mobile apiary produces about 150 kg of honey per season. In the most successful years, this figure can reach 200 kg.

How much honey does a hive bring per season in a stationary apiary

In a good year, the yield of honey from one hive is about 70 – 80 kg – with a comfortable method of keeping insects. Quality service includes:

  • regular supervision;
  • habitual living conditions;
  • availability of equipped rooms for pumping out;
  • providing a good honey base.

The record level of obtaining the product is considered to be 100 kg.

Attention! In a stationary apiary, there is no possibility of obtaining a monofloral (linden, buckwheat, sweet clover, etc.) product.

How much honey can you get from one hive per season

How much honey can be collected from a beehive in a summer

In central Our Country, pumping is carried out twice during the summer, at the end of June and the beginning of August.

The collection of honey from one hive of a standard type, equipped with 24 half-frames, is 15 – 20 kg. It’s connected:

  • with the inability to completely clean the cells;
  • the need to leave food for the bees themselves.

In a good summer, one hive brings 30-40 kg of honey.

How much honey does a hive give per year

Bees are able to replenish their reserves up to four times per season in central Our Country. In the southern regions, the figure reaches ten.

During the season, 70 – 80 kg of honey can be collected from one hive.                                

With the maximum collection, the amount of product from 1 bee nest can reach up to 200 kg.

Depending on the type of hives, the number of resulting frames with the product changes:

  • case (small) – 8;
  • sun loungers (overall) – 24.
Important! It is impossible to pump out a product from completely unsealed honeycombs: it will be of poor quality.

How to calculate how much honey an apiary gives

On average, private apiaries contain up to 50 hives. In 1 bee house there are 20 – 25 kg of natural sweetness. During the season, about 20% of honey is left in the hives. This is necessary to maintain the normal life and activity of the bees, as well as to feed them during pumping. At the last fence, the stock for the winter should be at least 60%.

Considering that in central Our Country bribes are taken no more than four times a year, one can get up to 4 kg of honey per year from a standard apiary. In the southern regions, where pumping is carried out up to 10 times a year, the harvest can reach 10 thousand kg.

Some beekeepers replace the natural product with sugar syrup. But, the lack of essential trace elements in winter nutrition can lead to weakening and even death of bees.


The yield of honey from one hive in a significant amount requires special knowledge. Good results are brought by the enrichment of food with vitamins, heating in the winter and the nomadic method of keeping.

Beekeeping is a very troublesome and painstaking task. However, the efforts made bring significant income. Experienced beekeepers often develop and apply new methods to increase yields. Depending on how much honey is pumped out from one hive per season, the total profit depends.

How much honey does one bee produce in a lifetime?

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