The cost of a consultation is an issue that worries many potential clients of psychologists. In what cases can you get psychological help at an affordable price?
There are many opportunities for abuse in the therapist-client field. Absolutely unacceptable violations of professional ethics are well known: sex with a client, using the client’s connections, communicating with him not about his therapy. There are areas of communication where violations of ethical standards are not so obvious: for example, the price for psychotherapeutic assistance.
This help cannot be free: the free provision of help transfers the situation of communication between the psychotherapist and the client into the field of profane advice, “takes” her out of the profession. In addition, in this case, the psychotherapist leaves the client indebted, binds him with gratitude and at the same time creates many opportunities for discrediting his activities. In a word, it is irresponsible not to take money for your work.
Then what is the price for services? How is it formed? In addition to the market component, there is also an ethical one. In stating his price, the helping professional communicates a variety of information, including his own self-esteem.
The risk of ethical violations is especially high for those who work alone, are not included in the professional “pack”
The one who takes a very expensive consultation, as it were, says: “I am expensive, because I am in demand, and I am in demand, because I am effective.” Another message: “Do not disturb the poor.” However, by working only with the rich, he loses his qualifications: reliable professional experience is acquired through a systematic, extensive and varied practice. The responsible helper must be accessible to all. There are a number of mechanisms in professional communities for this purpose.
Floating price scale
From someone you can take more, from someone – less, depending on the capabilities of the client. The price should be tangible, but not ruinous. At the same time, you need to understand that a psychotherapeutic project lasts several months, and the average frequency of meetings is once a week, so psychotherapy will become a constant expense for the client for some time.
Free help
Psychotherapy as a practical knowledge requires constant professional development. The main learning tool is observing the work of a senior colleague. The ability to analyze not individual sessions, but the whole case from beginning to end is very valuable. Clients who agree to receive assistance under these conditions receive it free of charge.
Help Available
Young colleagues practice under the supervision of more experienced ones, receiving supervision of their cases. For their work, they take a small fee, while they will not be allowed to make a mistake.
The risk of ethical violations is especially high for those who work alone, not included in the professional “pack”. Often they are impostors. If they did not hesitate to appropriate their professional affiliation, then nothing will stop them from breaking the price, as long as there are those who are willing to pay.