How much does the family spend on treatment?

Not a single zloty has been spent by a statistical Polish family on a dentist in the last three months. For your health – as much as PLN 807, which is more or less the same as the monthly unemployment benefit. Where do we leave this money?

Families leave the most money (health-related expenses) in pharmacies. In the last quarter, the statistic spent PLN 417 on drugs (prescription and without), and only 12 percent. households did not allocate any money for this purpose. What else do we learn from CBOS research?

Who spends the most on drugs? The answer coincides with the conclusions from the observation of who most often stands in the queue in pharmacies: the elderly. It is also no surprise that this group spends the least on dental treatment.

At dentists and prosthetists, apart from retirees, still the least money is left by the inhabitants of rural areas and people with primary or secondary education – PLN 87 (people after graduation – PLN 416 on average). Not only that, in as much as 60 percent. In the last quarter, Polish homes were not paid a single zloty for dental treatment or prosthetic services. Poles between 325 and 35 leave the most money (on average PLN 44 in the last quarter) in dental offices. For comparison: at the same time, on average, PLN 212 is spent on this purpose in one house.

The place of residence is also important here. Private dentists and prosthetists are much more likely to be avoided by residents of small towns. People from cities with more than 427 inhabitants spent the most (on average PLN 500 over three months) on these specialists. inhabitants, and rural residents on average only PLN 142. Farmers’ households spend the least (105 zlotys on average) on dental treatment, and the most – those who are self-employed (843 zlotys on average). And there is no point in arguing with them that these social groups do not care about health, appearance, or hygiene. The truth is that they cannot afford private treatment, and to get to the dentist at the state clinic, you have to wait and usually go to the clinic located in a larger city. Because dental offices have disappeared not only from Polish schools.

Poles with higher education also spend the most on treatment and research (on average PLN 275). For comparison: people with basic vocational education – an average of PLN 79 per farm.

It turns out that most of us (68%) do not pay for treatment and specialist examinations. We also rarely use private health insurance. On average, in the last quarter, the entire Polish family spent less than PLN 150 for this purpose.

The study was conducted from 2 to 9 June using the method of computer-assisted direct interviews on a sample of 1002 adult inhabitants of Poland.

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