How much does morphology cost? Basic blood test prices

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Basic blood tests are often enough to arouse our anxiety and start further diagnostics. Morphology is one of the studies that allow you to effectively monitor human health. If the morphology results do not meet the accepted standards, it is a clear signal that our body is not functioning properly.

The morphology itself is never the basis for diagnosis and treatment. Basic blood tests should be performed regularly, but they only allow for an initial diagnosis and control of the course and effectiveness of the introduced treatment. Interestingly, the morphology also allows us to determine, for example, whether we eat healthy.

What are basic blood tests?

The basic blood test is a complete blood count that checks a person’s health. This test involves taking blood from a vein, usually in the elbow flexion. You don’t need to prepare yourself for blood tests. Usually, the test is performed on an empty stomach, which means that you should not eat for about 8 hours before the test. However, it is worth remembering to drink water so that the blood is not too thick when collecting the sample for testing. Too high blood density may disturb the test results, eg ESR.

The morphology is based on the qualitative and quantitative assessment of human blood, making it possible to diagnose infection, inflammation and various serious diseases. The test consists of evaluating the red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and platelets in a blood sample. The hematocrit, that is the percentage of elements shaped in the total blood mass, as well as the hemoglobin concentration are also assessed.

You can now perform a complete blood count along with other preventive examinations. For this purpose, order the MAKSIMUM version of the package via the uPatient portal, which includes the tests recommended for annually.

How to prepare for the test?

Do not drink coffee or smoke before testing your blood. Also, do not take medication, and people who have blood glucose tests should not eat high-sugar foods in the evening before taking a test sample. In addition, you should also ensure a good night’s sleep, as not getting enough sleep can also distort the test results.

Hematologists are sounding the alarm! Check: Morphology at least once a year!

How to analyze the results?

The blood count can usually be collected on the same day. If the test result is very disturbing, the patient can be immediately informed by phone in order to quickly arrange a consultation and start further diagnostics.

The doctor may order us various blood tests, so on the printout we can see the results of the blood image analysis (e.g. the amount of red blood cells), or the amount of indicators such as CRP and ESR, which indicate the development of inflammation. Any deviations from the standard can be checked immediately after receiving the result, because the printout always shows the standards adopted in a given laboratory, i.e. the reference range of the parameters.

However, it should be remembered that the final evaluation of the results of blood tests should be done by a doctor. Blood tests, and therefore morphology, enable the detection of both minor infections and neoplastic diseases, which is why professional assessment of the indicated parameters is so important. Often times, even results above or below the standards listed in the printout do not indicate any serious disturbance as standards may vary from laboratory to laboratory.

What parameters are assessed in the blood count?

During the blood count, not only the composition of the blood is assessed, but also its image, and therefore the appearance of its individual elements. The following are analyzed in the blood count:

  1. erythrocytes (red blood cells – RBC);
  2. leukocytes (white blood cells – WBC);
  3. platelets (PLT);
  4. mean red blood cell volume (MCV);
  5. hematocrit (ratio of red blood cell volume to total blood volume expressed in% – HCT);
  6. hemoglobin level (HGB);
  7. mean red blood cell hemoglobin (MCHC).

It also happens that the morphology result also shows the number of lymphocytes, i.e. LYMF, granulocytes, i.e. GRAN, and other white blood cells, if they are in the blood sample.

Make sure you do them: Research to keep in mind!

What other basic blood tests can be done?

Basic blood tests also include:

  1. OB – Biernacki’s reaction. The level of this indicator depends on the age of the examined person, however, a result above the norm may indicate inflammation;
  2. blood glucose level – before the test, you must not eat sugar-rich foods, take insulin, eat or exercise intensively;
  3. determination of the lipid profile, i.e. the lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and HDL cholesterol);
  4. creatinine and total bilirubin levels;
  5. uric acid and urea levels;
  6. amylase level.

When should basic blood tests be performed?

Basic blood tests should be performed regularly as a basic and relatively cheap form of prophylaxis. Let us remember that this is a key test for controlling our health. If we start to suspect that something is wrong or we notice disturbing symptoms, it is worth having a morphology checked. In such a situation, you should go to the general practitioner who is responsible for writing out a referral.

We will perform the test much faster if we decide to do it privately. Then it is enough to go to the collection point and ask for a sample to be taken for testing. Today, this possibility is offered by almost every clinic.

What are the costs of basic blood tests?

All preventive examinations, including basic blood tests, including blood counts, are covered by medical services as part of primary health care. This means that such tests can be performed free of charge under the health insurance (NFZ).

Like every preventive examination, it is free of charge and should be performed quite often (even several times a year, if necessary). Such tests are ordered by the general practitioner, but he or she is not obliged to write a referral, despite the patient’s requests. This is only advisable if your blood has not been tested for a long time.

If you want to do blood tests privately, there are some costs. In the case of a blood count, the cost of the test is about PLN 9, while the cost of a morphology with a smear is about PLN 13. If you want to perform other tests, you should take into account the following costs:

  1. glucose about PLN 6;
  2. lipid profile approx. PLN 18;
  3. total bilirubin approx. PLN 6;
  4. lipase about PLN 10;
  5. amylase about PLN 7;
  6. urea approx. PLN 6;
  7. creatinine approx. PLN 6;
  8. uric acid about PLN 6;
  9. CRP approx. PLN 20.

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