Are you ready to spend a tidy sum to avoid using photo filters later?
The phenomenon, which sociologists have called “Instagram Face”, emerged relatively recently. “Instace” is what we see every day in our feed, scrolling through social networks. These are such facial features that every second girl creates for herself with the help of filters and Photoshop.
Wide eyes, perfectly smooth skin, plump lips, perfectly white teeth are just a few signs of the perfect Instagram Face. And sometimes, flipping through the tape, it is difficult to distinguish who is in front of you – Emily Ratajkowski or Bella Hadid.
Emily Ratajkowski – Selfie Queen
Yes, yes, celebrities, despite the fact that they improve their appearance with a beautician, also actively use filters. They raise eyebrows, carve new jawlines, and smooth out less than perfect skin before posting. to create that very effect.
The paradox is that no one is born with this most ideal face.
Therefore, there are few options here: either accept the fact that you do not fall into the trend, or Photoshop yourself beyond recognition. True, there is one more – with the help of cosmetologists, get the appearance of a dream, with which you will not need filters.
Doctor Anna Guanche, a certified dermatologist and beauty expert working with celebrities, told Fashionista how to create the perfect Instagram Face in reality (using a variety of procedures) and how much it costs.
Dermatologist working with celebrities
“Wrinkles are something we just don’t see in the world of celebrities and beauty, and most people use Botox to achieve a smooth forehead,” says Anna. The price in clinics where celebrities “pull up” is from 240 to 350 dollars per procedure. It needs to be repeated every six months.
Eye area
Without wide, open eyes with a beautiful cut and raised eyebrows, you will not become an Instagram star. The same botox will help, only you will have to prick it just above the eyebrow, closer to the temples. This will raise both the eyebrow and the outer corner of the eye. By the way, you can also remove the crow’s feet ($ 350). “Clients typically combine these treatments with eyebrow shaping and micropigmentation ($ 1000) and eyelash extensions, lash tint and / or lash lamination ($ 175) for full effect,” reveals Guanche’s celebrity secrets.
Another necessary instaface procedure is dermal fillers for the lacrimal gland area. Otherwise, under certain lighting conditions, the photo will show hollows under the eyes, but we want to be perfect. The price in American clinics is $ 600.
More and more people come to plastic surgeons with a request to “make a face like Kylie Jenner’s.”
High cheekbones are another absolute beauty trend. This is where fillers come to the rescue. “The only flaw? Well, apart from the general risks (infection, bruising, redness and swelling), the effect only lasts 6 to 12 months, and the procedure can cost anywhere from $ 750 to $ 3000, ”says Anna.
Not born with a straight, perfect nose? You can do traditional rhinoplasty or the so-called “liquid”. With it, the depressions are filled with fillers, the lines are smoothed, even the tip of the nose changes. True, there are many risks of complications – up to the patient’s blindness.
But nasolabial folds can be corrected with fillers quickly and easily – and for as little as $ 600.
“In the world of show business, it is now customary to do almost imperceptible procedures with a filler in the lips,” says the doctor. “When it is skillfully done, it is not obvious that the lips were full. For as little as $ 750-1600, you too can look like you didn’t have lip injections. “
But lips are half the battle. A beautiful face requires flawless white teeth. Veneers are the most expensive part of Instagram Face ($ 2500- $ 3500 per tooth). Professional whitening can be done, this is a more affordable option, only $ 750.
To make the lines clear, you can choose injections of special drugs that will give a lifting effect ($ 1500), or lipolytics (about $ 5000 per course, but the effect will last for a long time).
Bella Hadid is another ideal for girls all over the world
First, you will have to get rid of the cannon on your face with laser hair removal (minimum 6 sessions of $ 600). And then proceed to peels, mesotherapy and other manipulations that complete the image.
In total, for the perfect Instagram Face (which, we recall, does not exist in nature), girls will have to go through about 16 unsafe procedures and spend about $ 17. In Russia, by the way, prices in proven clinics and those of good specialists are not very different. Filters are definitely cheaper.
Would you like to make the perfect Instagram Face?
This is my dream! So far, I only strive for it.
Yes, if someone paid me for it.
No. If I want to look my best in the photo, there are special programs.
In no case, I hate all these similar faces. I am the way I am!