My friend believes that only expensive vodka is made correctly, which means it is safe for the body. This is partly true, but it’s more profitable to make a fake under an expensive brand, otherwise the cost will not allow the fraudster to earn. Just a couple of days ago I made a whole post here on the topic of what is the difference between vodka for 240 rubles and for a thousand.
Today I will tell you how much a good vodka should cost in a store. I will teach you three simple secrets that allow you to choose a quality drink and not overpay for advertising and supplements.
What determines the price of vodka
The national alcoholic drink is becoming more expensive every year. I wanted to understand what is the reason.
So, the cost of a bottle of vodka includes:
- ingredients (alcohol, water, fragrances);
- packaging (bottle, cork, label);
- production costs;
- margin (wholesale and retail);
- factory profit;
- State income (VAT, Excise).
Let me tell you about the last point. The share of taxes is more than 60%. What can I say: “If you want to drink vodka, share it with the state.”
I think this is some way of legally withdrawing money from the people. Further increase in excises is predicted.
It is curious that the price of the ingredients usually does not exceed 10-16% of the total cost.
What does “good vodka” mean: secrets of production technology
There are no trifles in the production of good vodka. For connoisseurs of quality alcohol, to which I include myself, all components are important. Vodka, as far as possible, should not harm health and be pleasant to drink.
Basically, vodka is alcohol diluted with water. The main raw material is wheat, sometimes barley, corn or millet are added. Raw alcohol undergoes rectification for purification.
This is followed by a sorting process, in which alcohol is mixed with water in the required proportions. Next, the mixture is filtered and cleaned from unnecessary impurities. Finally, the future vodka settles for several days and is bottled.
Water is purified only by sedimentation, aeration and filtration methods. It must not be boiled or distilled, as the vodka becomes hard and loses its unique taste.
Storage rules. I was sure that vodka in a glass bottle could last forever. Do you think so too? Then we are both deeply mistaken. Special vodka with various additives (bitter pepper, snake) is stored for no more than six months. The usual one will last much longer, but only if the storage standards are observed.
It is necessary that the temperature is in the range from -10 to +20 degrees. Humidity should be at least 85%. Be sure to avoid direct sunlight. To be honest, I don’t follow all the rules.
How to choose good vodka in the store
Unfortunately, counterfeit products are not uncommon in our stores.
Three simple tips will help you make the right choice:
- Firstly, there must be a perfectly transparent liquid and an absolutely evenly glued label.
- Secondly, the more interesting the design of the bottle, the more difficult it is to fake.
- Thirdly, it is necessary to have a certificate, license and bottling date.
Important! Black strokes on the bottom of the bottle indicate automatic bottling at the factory, which means that the chance to buy counterfeit products decreases.
How much does good vodka cost in a store
It would not be desirable to say the opposite, but it is true: “Good alcohol is not cheap.” But this does not mean that you need to overpay for marketing tricks.
For example, for cleaning with honey, milk or birch buds.
Although, in fairness, it should be noted that purification with silver and activated carbon really makes the water cleaner.
According to the standards of the Russian quality system, I single out and advise you the following brands of vodka:
- “Green Mark” – 270 rubles;
- “Winter road” – 300 rubles;
- “Five Lakes” – 290 rubles;
- “Russian Standard” – 370 rubles;
- “Beluga” – 775 rubles.
According to Roskachestvo, these brands received an expert assessment of 9,6 points.
Among foreign countries, 9,5 points were awarded to:
- French “Grey Goose” – 1554 rubles;
- Finnish “Finlandia” – 720 rubles.
That takes pride for the Fatherland: our vodka is better and cheaper.
In addition, I recommend you brands of vodka marked with the Quality Mark:
- “Morosha” – 360 rubles
- Permskaya Lux — 250 rubles
- “Pervak homemade wheat” – 370 rubles.
The guarantee that you will have good vodka on your table is the purchase of a drink in reliable, licensed places. High-quality vodka cannot cost less than 250 rubles.
Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!
Let’s make our own rating of good vodka, shall we? Write which one you prefer and how much it costs.