How much does a child weigh at 4 months: a boy, a girl should weigh

You can determine how much a child weighs at 4 months at home or in a clinic. Weight parameters correspond to the length of the baby and the tabular data of normal development.

How much should a child weigh at this age

At the age of 4 months, the baby is still fully breastfed. It is still too early to feed him or give him water. The weight of the child must be correlated not only with his age, but also take into account the length of the body.

How much a child weighs at 4 months can be determined at home or in a clinic

Body mass index is the ratio of weight to height. This parameter is calculated using a complex formula, which also includes the age of the child. Its main principle is that the higher the height, the more weight. An important parameter for a baby is weight gain, how quickly the baby gains its pounds.

Body parameters by age are in special tables. There are data from Russian pediatricians and WHO parameters. They are slightly different. There are differences in weight and height among babies of different sexes.

If we take Russian parameters, then the weight of toddlers at 4 months will be from 5,5 kg to 7,6 kg with a height from 58,7 cm to 64,5 cm.According to the WHO, their weight can range from 5,6 kg to 8,7 , 59,7 kg with a height of 68,0 cm to 73 cm.

How much does a child weigh at 4 months: a boy, a girl should weigh

Weight gain is from 3 to 4 months from 560 g to 730 g, later – 120 g per week.

Russian standards put forward the following norms for crumbs – weight from 5,4 kg to 7,0 kg with a height from 58,4 cm to 64,0 cm.In turn, WHO offers the following figures: from 5,0 kg to 8,2 kg with a height of 57,8 cm to 66,4 cm.

Weight gain from 490 g to 710 g – from 3 to 4 months, and later each week can bring 115 g.

The norm of the weight of newborns

Child’s age, monthsBoy, weight, gBoy, height, cmGirl, weight, gGirl, height, cm
Newborn3 60050340049.5
1 month4 45054.54 15053.5
2 month5 250584 90056.8
3 month6050615 50059.3
4 month6 700636 15061.5
5 month7 300656 65063.4
6 month7 900677 20065.3
7 month8 40068.77 70066.9
8 month8 85070.38 10068.4
9 month9 25071.78 50070
10 month9 650738 85071.3
11 month10,00074.39 20072.6
12 month10 30075.59 50073.8

To use the table, you should know how to weigh a newborn correctly. Before turning on the scales, you need to remove all foreign objects from the bowl, otherwise you will get distorted data. Although you can leave a diaper on it and then press the “Tara” button to reset the result. It is necessary to put the baby in the scales at rest in order to fix the exact numbers, which can then be compared with the “ideal”.

Modern electronic scales for weighing newborns are proactive. A smart device “knows” the weight of a healthy baby in advance and compares the norm with the result. Just wait a few seconds and you will see the result. Home scales with a built-in height meter will allow you to control the physical development of your baby without visiting the clinic.

Remember that the proper weight of the child is growing in dynamics. You can follow this indicator through a mobile application that collects the results of each weigh-in.

How Much Should My Baby Weigh? - What to Expect

What to do if the baby’s weight is not correct

A baby at 4 months should be fed 6 times a day, giving 120 ml of milk. If, with proper feeding, there are large deviations from the norm, you should consult your doctor. Only a pediatrician can assess how well a child is developing at this weight. The doctor can also give advice on feeding.

The reasons for underweight can be factors of heredity, disease, environmental problems or poor care.

If the baby has some mass deficit, there is no need to pounce on him, “shoving” the missing norm. You should not “put” the child on a strict diet in case of “excessive” weight. It is necessary to change the feeding conditions carefully, without adding stress to the baby.

Weight at 4 months is normal in 94% of infants. If your child’s indicators are greatly overestimated or underestimated, you need to consult a doctor.


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