How much does a child sleep at 6 months: how much time should sleep and stay awake

How much does a child sleep at 6 months: how much time should sleep and stay awake

For the first six months of life, the child and his parents go through a difficult path. Together they overcome the first illnesses, develop their own feeding regime. The kid is growing up, and his behavior is gradually changing. At this stage, the question often arises about how much a child usually sleeps at 6 months and what he should be able to do. After all, proper development and good health depend on good sleep.

How much should a 6-month-old baby sleep

Each baby develops its own regime. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly how much he should sleep. It depends on the nature and activity of the child. But for the harmonious development of the baby, the duration of the night sleep should be at least 8 hours, and the daytime about 3-4.

In a comfortable crib, a child at 6 months sleeps peacefully and as much as his body requires

The main signs that the child is not getting enough sleep:

  • the baby is naughty for no apparent reason;
  • the child bends, being in the arms of an adult;
  • the baby refuses the usual daytime entertainment, reacts sluggishly to favorite toys.

In such cases, you need to try to improve the child’s sleep. To do this, you need to walk more, ventilate the baby’s room well. The child’s clothing should be comfortable and made of soft fabric.

If the baby does not fall asleep well in the evening, then it can be bathed in a decoction of chamomile, lemon balm, mint, valerian or motherwort. Before bathing, it is useful for the baby to massage. A lullaby at night will help the baby to calm down and relax.

What to do with the time when the baby is awake

By six months, the child becomes mobile and inquisitive. He is already rolling over on his tummy and back. The baby can get on all fours and swing from side to side. Some babies sit and crawl by themselves.

The child feels and tastes any object available to him. This is how the baby learns the world. More and more time is spent on games:

  • Reading. A 6-month-old child can and even needs to read books. At this age, the baby loves to look at pictures. In this case, it is necessary to name the objects depicted on the pages and the drawn animals. Describe their color, size, sounds they make.
  • Activities with toys. At six months, a child, with the help of an adult, can string the pyramid rings onto the base or put the cups one on top of the other. It is good if the kid has musical toys with buttons. They will help develop fine motor skills, hearing, hand sensitivity. At this age, you can use unbreakable mirrors, rubber toys for the game.

You cannot play with small objects with a child. They can get into his ear, nose or mouth.

At 6 months, the baby spends less time sleeping. He may seem more moody than before. But so the baby simply attracts the attention of adults. And regular activities with the child, traveling around the apartment or the street will help him develop correctly and become more calm, and improve his sleep.

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