Elon Musk admitted in one of the interviews that he sleeps six hours a day. As he explained, he tried to sleep shorter, but it had a negative impact on his efficiency. Doctors explain that both too short and too long sleep can have serious consequences, especially for our heart.
- Six hours is also too short, according to the researchers. The optimal length of sleep for the average person is 7-9 hours
- Sleeping less than six hours increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes
- In addition to the length of sleep, its comfort is also important. Therefore, before falling asleep, it is worth ventilating the bedroom and putting away the smartphone
- More information can be found on the Onet homepage
Elon Musk sleeps six hours a day
Elon Musk is one of the richest and at times the richest man in the world. His fortune is estimated at over $ 200 billion, and at the end of 2021 it was even $ 340 billion. The creator of PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla works a lot, but also tries to get the right amount of sleep for him.
Musk sleeps about six hours a night. “I tried to sleep less, but then my productivity dropped completely,” he said on The Joe Rogan Experience. – On the other hand, I don’t think I want to sleep more than six hours.
Musk said he would work longer than now. And he slept much less. He happened to sleep on the floor under his desk at Tesla.
– There were times when I slept for several hours, worked, then slept for several hours and worked again. And so seven days a week – said Musk in 2018. – There were weeks when I worked a total of 120 hours.
- Doctors explain how much we should sleep
Musk admitted it wasn’t healthy, that he then “burned himself a few neurons”. “Nobody should spend so many hours working,” he concluded.
How many hours a day should a person sleep?
Musk sleeps six hours a day, and what is the optimal sleep duration for the average person?
It is believed that a person needs a minimum of 8 hours of sleep a day. From time to time there are studies that talk about the optimal length of sleep. In fact, the reported values revolve around these eight hours. According to doctors and scientists, it would be ideal if we slept 7-8 hours a night.
- Optimal sleep length is the key to longevity
There are also studies that say that for people between 18-25 and 26-64 the optimal length is 7-9 hours. For people over 64, this length is 7-8 hours.
Remember, however, that everyone has different needs and there are people who can sleep much shorter and will be refreshed. However, the absolute minimum is six hours. When we sleep less, our cognitive functions decline, verbal skills and short-term memory deteriorate. In the long run, too little sleep can result in a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, faster aging of the brain and even greater risk of premature death.
- Sleep deprivation affects the aging of the brain
Also, too much sleep is not beneficial for our body. When we wake up after a long sleep, we recover longer. And, as shown by various studies, regular sleep for more than 9 hours a day can cause the same conditions as if you sleep too little.
– The results indicate that too much or too little sleep is bad for the heart. We know that sleep affects biological processes such as glucose metabolism, blood pressure and inflammation – they all contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease, said Dr. Epameinondas Fountas from the Center for Heart Surgery. Onassis in Athens. “A one-off shortened night or longer sleep is unlikely to adversely affect health, but there is growing evidence that a persistent shortage of sleep and excess of it should be avoided,” he added.
In case of problems with falling asleep and poor quality of sleep, it is worth trying recordings that, turned on immediately before bed, not only make it easier to fall asleep, but also improve its quality
How to take care of a healthy sleep?
In addition to the length of sleep, comfort is also crucial for our health, physical and mental fitness. That is, proper preparation of the bedroom, bed and ourselves.
First of all, let’s take care of a comfortable mattress. Not too hard, not too soft, preferably one that fits the shape of our body. Adequate bedding is also very important. The times of quilts filled with natural feathers are rather forgotten, now you can take advantage of a wide range of artificial fillings that do not cause allergies.
- Sleep phases
Before we go to bed, the bedroom should be aired and the temperature in it not too high. Let’s limit the distracting stimuli, both those related to noise and intense light.
Finally, let’s take care of our own head. Before going to bed, we forget about work and other stressful elements. Blue light emitted by various screens should also be minimized, so we turn off the TV and put the mobile or tablet on the cupboard. If you want to make your eyes tired before going to sleep, read a book in the right light instead of something on your smartphone.