How much do you know about your body? Compulsory set of points! We ask about the basics

Our body still hides many secrets, but there is information that each of us should know. How is it with the knowledge of your own body? Test yourself in our quiz. Will you score the complete 15 points? You have a chance, we ask about really basic things.

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The body visible in the photo is:

Photo: Shutterstock
Thyroid Next question
The thyroid gland is an organ located in the neck area, consisting of two lobes and the isthmus connecting them. It is used for the production of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) – hormones essential for life, which enter the entire body through the bloodstream and are used by almost every cell.

Which side of the body is the stomach on?

On the right
On the left
In the middle
On the left Next question
The stomach is on the left side of the abdomen (the liver is slightly higher on the right). The stomach is part of the digestive system that connects the esophagus with the duodenum. It acts as a reservoir for the ingested food and is responsible for the digestion of some of its ingredients.

Is it possible to sneeze with your eyes open?

It is possible
Is impossible
If you have a cold, it is impossible
Is impossible Next question
Sneezing is a spontaneous reflex reaction in our body to clear the airways and keep them open. This self-cleaning of the nose and throat is extremely important for proper functioning.

How many bacteria live in an adult’s large intestine?

Okay. 25 day
Not more than 0,5 kg of bacteria
From 1 to 2 kg of bacteria dry weight
From 1 to 2 kg of bacteria dry weight Next question
The number of bacteria in the human body is up to 10 times greater than that of the cells that make up the body. Only in the large intestine there are about 4 thousand. different species of bacteria. It is estimated that in an adult there may be approx. 1-2 kg of dry weight of bacteria in the large intestine. Source:

Complete the sentence: water is _____ percent. mass of an adult human:

up to 20 percent
60 — 70 proc.
60 — 70 proc. Next question
Water is 60-70 percent. the mass of an adult human, 75 percent. the weight of the child, and in the case of a newborn – over 80 percent. Source:

Do children and seniors have the same number of bones as middle-aged people?

Yes, 206 bones to be exact
Children have more bones, older people have less
In children, the number of bones is greater, in older ones it is the same as in middle-aged people
Children have more bones, older people have less Next question
A child has more bones than an adult. It is estimated that a newborn has 270 bones, a teenager has 356, and an adult has only 206. Among the elderly and in old age, as a result of fusion of the skull bones, this number may be approx. 200. Source: http: //www.biomedical .pl / medical-interesting-facts / child / child-ma-wiecej-niz-niz-grown-28.html

How many teeth does an adult have (assuming he has all of them)?

22 teeth
28 teeth
32 teeth
32 teeth Next question
An adult person who enjoys a full set of teeth has 32 teeth. The teeth are divided into 8 incisors, 4 canines, eight premolars and 12 molars.

Where is blood produced?

In the heart of
In the liver
In the bone marrow
In the bone marrow Next question
Blood morphotic elements such as erythrocytes, leukocytes (mainly granulocytes) and thrombocytes are formed in the red bone marrow.

Erythrocytes are:

Liver cells
White blood cells
Red bloodcells
Red bloodcells Next question
Erytrocyty, czyli czerwone krwinki, to elementy morfotyczne, którym krew zawdzięcza swój charakterystyczny czerwony kolor. Ich funkcją jest transportowanie tlenu w układzie krwionośnym.

The organ visible in the photo is:

Photo: Shutterstock
Liver Next question
The liver is the largest organ in the human body.

How many vertebrae does the human spine consist of?

33 or 34
33 or 34 Next question
The human spine consists of 26 bones and has about 33-34 vertebrae.

Can you live without a spleen?

Roof Next question
The spleen is the largest organ of the lymphatic system. If it is removed, its functions are taken over by other organs. In this case, the processes related to the “cleansing” of the blood are carried out by the liver, and those related to immune cells – mainly by the lymph nodes. However, it should be borne in mind that the immune system will always be weakened after the spleen is removed.

On average, how much hair does a healthy person lose every day?

No more than 100
150 Next question
Every day a healthy person loses an average of 50-150 hairs, this is a natural process.

Kyphosis is a defect of the spine, consisting of:

The spine is bent forward in the lumbar region
Excessive backward curvature of the spine in the thoracic region
Asymmetrical arrangement of the shoulder blades
Excessive backward curvature of the spine in the thoracic region Next question
Deep thoracic kyphosis is a pathological deepening of the natural curve in the thoracic spine. The deepening curve can be gradual, but also very fast.
Photo: Shutterstock

The colon is part of:

The large intestine
Small intestine
Urinary system
The large intestine Next question
The colon is the most important section of the large intestine. The colon stores and supplies water, nutrients and minerals to the body. It also stores feces.
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