How much do you know about donating bone marrow?
Home Bone marrow and stem cell transplant
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Does donating marrow hurt? Or maybe it is associated only with a slight discomfort? You can be a donor only once or many times? And how much does marrow collection have to do with the spine? Take the test below and see how much you know about bone marrow donation and how you can help others …

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Registration as a potential bone marrow donor may be made by a person:

over 18
over 21
between 18 and 55 years of age
between 18 and 60 years of age
between 18 and 55 years of age Next question

The following disqualifies from being a bone marrow donor:

none of the answers are correct
none of the answers are correct Next question

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a life-saving therapy for:

leukemia and lymphoma
20 different diseases
nearly 200 different diseases
nearly 200 different diseases Next question

It is not an absolute contraindication excluding a bone marrow donor

body weight less than 50 kg
previous heart attack
body weight less than 50 kg Next question

Hematopoietic stem cells are collected from:

peripheral blood
iliac plates
b and c are correct
b and c are correct Next question

A bone marrow donor can be:

only once
twice – i.e. donating hematopoietic stem cells once and bone marrow once from the plates of the iliac bone
four times – i.e. donating hematopoietic stem cells twice and bone marrow twice from the plates of the hip bone
an infinite number of times
four times – i.e. donating hematopoietic stem cells twice and bone marrow twice from the plates of the hip bone Next question

Which of the following statements is correct:

donating bone marrow is associated with a long convalescence and weakening of the body
hematopoietic stem cells after collection regenerate very quickly – within approx. 2-3 weeks
hematopoietic stem cells, once collected, never return to their previous levels
after collection, hematopoietic stem cells regenerate within a few months
hematopoietic stem cells after collection regenerate very quickly – within approx. 2-3 weeks Next question

Afreza to:

a disease where there is an overgrowth of immature white blood cells (leukocytes)
a factor that mobilizes stem cells from the marrow to the peripheral blood, which is designed to multiply the cells and cause their transition from the marrow to the blood
a procedure to remove a selected component from whole blood and then return the remaining components to the bloodstream. The method is min. used for collecting hematopoietic stem cells from donors for recipients
method of marrow extraction from the iliac plate

«A deserving transplant donor» …

is a person who donated bone marrow or other regenerating cells and tissues at least 2 times
in addition to the right to use out of order outpatient health care, it also has the right to free supplies of drugs included in the list of reimbursed drugs
in many places in Poland, it has the right to use free public transport
all mentioned answers are correct
all mentioned answers are correct Next question

What is registration in the bone marrow and stem cell donors database?

on completing the registration form
when ordering the registration package, filling in the form and taking a smear on the inside of the cheek
when ordering the registration package, filling in the form and taking blood
when ordering the registration package, filling in the form and collecting the bone marrow
when ordering the registration package, filling in the form and taking a smear on the inside of the cheek Next question
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Your result is a signal: visit the website today: and expand your knowledge. Your support really matters – only 25 percent. people qualified for transplantation find help in the family, 75 percent. patients who need bone marrow transplantation must count on the help of an unrelated donor, their “genetic twin”. It could be YOU. Yes, you can save someone’s life!
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You know donating bone marrow saves lives, but you still have concerns about the procedure itself. The stories of other donors prove that bone marrow donation does not hurt, has no negative impact on our health and does not involve long convalescence. Just listen … – «The collection itself did not hurt. The only difficulty for me was 5 hours. Very nice ladies, nurses did not leave me one step. Now I feel glad that I was able to give a stranger hope for a new, healthy life. » Marcin Dudzic, Stem Cell Donor – «My health has not changed, there is nothing wrong with me, I am only bursting with pride that I could really and selflessly help someone. Therefore, I would like to encourage each of you to take this first step and register in the donor database. It costs nothing and for another person it can be the most valuable gift. It does not hurt to download, the care is great. » Paulina Podolak, Donor of stem cells
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Way to go! You know enough about donating your marrow not to be afraid. Order the registration package and become a bone marrow donor. Or have you already done it?
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