How much do male fertility tests cost and where to do them? The most important information at a glance
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How much do male fertility tests cost and where to do them? These two questions are asked by many men who suspect infertility or fertility problems. The prices of male fertility tests vary and depend on the type of test, as well as the place where the test is performed. What Should I Know About Male Fertility Testing?

Male infertility – causes

Male infertility is as common a condition as female infertility. Male infertility can occur at any age and its causes can vary. In the treatment of male infertility, it is extremely important to know the cause that led to problems with conceiving a child. The most common causes of male infertility include:

  1. testicular injuries – male infertility can be caused by any damage to the testicles caused by sports injuries and other accidents;
  2. testicular torsion – this is a condition in which the testicle torsion around the spermatic cord. This condition often requires surgery and often results in the complete removal of the testicle;
  3. varicose veins of the spermatic cord – this disease causes an increase in temperature around the testicles, which in turn contributes to their damage and, consequently, to infertility;
  4. neoplasm – neoplastic diseases require treatment with strong chemical drugs that can cause irreversible changes in the tissue of the testicles;
  5. infections and inflammation – frequent or recurrent infections of the genitourinary system in an adult male can lead to infertility. In addition, infections that the mother went through during pregnancy can also cause male infertility;
  6. endocrine disorders – similarly to women, hormonal disorders cause infertility in men. Sperm production is dependent on the hormone FSH, which is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. If the production of FSH is disturbed, the number of sperm produced as a consequence decreases;
  7. obstruction of the sperm exit route – a condition that can be caused by diseases, post-inflammatory adhesions, injuries or the effects of abdominal surgery;
  8. retrograde ejaculation – a condition that results from malformations or operations performed within the bladder. This disease is much more common in elderly men, especially those who have undergone transurethral resection of the prostate;
  9. unhealthy lifestyle – heavy smoking, alcohol abuse, constant stress, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, improper diet, mismatched and too tight underwear or lack of physical activity;
  10. environmental factors – male infertility is influenced by pesticides, organic chemicals, and contact with heavy metals such as lead or cadmium. Male infertility may also result from radiotherapy or chemotherapy used in the treatment of cancer.

You can read more about the causes of male infertility here: Andrology and male infertility

One of the causes of male infertility is selenium deficiency, the deficiency of which can affect sexuality. Therefore, if you are trying to have a baby with your partner, you can reach for a dietary supplement with selenium for men available on Medonet Market. We also recommend Prostativ – a YANGO dietary supplement that supports fertility, regulates testosterone levels and prevents prostatitis.

How much does semen analysis cost and where to do it?

Semen analysis is the basic test in the diagnosis of male infertility and is usually performed at the very beginning. This study is also called a semogram or spermiogram in medical vocabulary. Semen analysis is performed to assess the quality of sperm, their activity and number. When performing a basic analysis, only a few indicators are assessed, including ejaculate volume and viscosity, ejaculate liquefaction time, appearance, pH, total sperm count, percentage of live and moving sperm, sperm clustering, and level of advancement.

We recommend the MAGNI MAN PRO male fertility test – home cassette test, with the help of which we can quickly assess the quality of sperm.

In the extended version of the study, the structure of the sperm is assessed, as well as the proportions between normal and damaged sperm. Semen testing is most often performed at a clinic that specializes in the treatment of male infertility. In such a clinic, there is usually a locked room where a man can relax and unwind so that it is easier for him to donate his sperm. In many such clinics, a man may be accompanied by his partner. The man also has a special condom at his disposal, in which he can collect sperm for examination during sex with his partner.

Of course, semen can be brought in a special package from home, but it should be remembered that the material for testing should be delivered within one hour of collection. The cost of semen analysis is not the highest, so the test is easily available. In private fertility clinics, you have to pay about 240 zlotys for semen analysis. However, the final cost of a semen test depends on the type of test selected. In some institutions, you can pay for the basic semen test, about PLN 70, while the extended option costs from PLN 140 to PLN 240.

Currently, it is possible to test semen at home with a special cassette test. Home semen analysis – the MAGNI-MAN cassette test will help determine the concentration of sperm in the sample, which is also important for fertility. You can also buy the test in the Test kit for couples planning a baby – home cassette tests along with pregnancy and ovulation tests.


Before examining the semen, always inform your doctor about the medications you are taking and about any illnesses you have had during the month. Such knowledge will avoid any distortions of the test results!

How much does the MSOME-6600 study cost and where to perform it?

The MSOME-6600 semen test is a test that assesses the morphology of motile sperm. The specificity of this examination is that it is performed under a very high microscopic magnification. This test allows to detect changes that are undetectable in a standard semen analysis.

The MSOME technique allows you to accurately determine the percentage of sperm with a normal structure. This test is usually performed with an extremely low percentage of normal sperm and in the case of recurrent miscarriages of the partner. Older men are most likely to choose the MSOME test.

The MSOME test is not a routine test and cannot be performed in every medical center. This examination can be performed in specialized clinics dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of male infertility. This study is expensive, time consuming and so far the World Health Organization has not defined standard standards for MSOME. For the MSOME-6600 test, you should pay an average of about PLN 300.

  1. Men trying to conceive should consider starting appropriate supplementation to improve their fertility. We recommend, for example, Fertility for men Viridian – the supplement is available in packages of 60 or 120 capsules.

How much does a testicular biopsy cost and where to do it?

Testicular biopsy is a surgical method that provides material for microscopic examination. A biopsy is performed not only in the diagnosis of infertility, but also in order to directly collect sperm for insemination or in vitro. Testicular biopsy is performed using several different methods and the procedure chosen depends on the method chosen. Surgical open biopsy involves incision of the scrotum skin and testicular sheaths, and then taking a specimen from the exposed testicle.

The material can also be taken using the closed needle method. In such a test, the testicle is punctured to collect sperm. The needle test is not performed for the diagnosis of diseases because the amount of collected material is too low. The combination of both types of tests is a mapping biopsy, which involves collecting material with a needle from many places in the testicle. On the one hand, this allows for the collection of sperm, and also for obtaining the appropriate amount of material for cancer testing.

Testicular biopsy is always performed in the operating room under sterile conditions. The test is performed in a hospital or specialized clinic. Testicular biopsy is one of the more expensive tests in the diagnosis of male infertility. Its price depends on the selected clinic and the locations where the test will be carried out. However, you should be prepared for costs ranging from PLN 1050 to PLN 3500.

More information on testicular biopsy can be found here: Testicular biopsy and diagnosis of male infertility

If you want to raise your libido and take care of your potency, reach for Fertility for men – Panaseus dietary supplement, which you can buy on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

How much do ultrasound examinations cost and where to perform them?

The ultrasound method is also used in the diagnosis of male infertility. One of the tests your doctor orders may be an ultrasound of the testicles and scrotum. Ultrasound examination of the testicles and scrotum allows the assessment of the structure and vascularization of the testicles, epididymides and the spermatic cord. Thanks to the ultrasound examination, it is also possible to diagnose pathological changes, including cysts, tumors and varicose veins.

Ultrasound examination of the testicles and scrotum is performed especially in cases of previous testicular injuries, suspected tumor, scrotal pain, inguinal hernia or during the monitoring of the effects and progress of treatment. Testicular ultrasound can be performed free of charge as part of the NHF reimbursement. However, if the patient decides to undergo the examination in a private clinic, they must take into account the costs between 60 and 100 zlotys.

The final price for an ultrasound examination of the testicles and scrotum depends on the facility and location where the examination will be performed. You don’t wait too long for an ultrasound scan and you can usually do it without signing up first.

Do you want to know more about the ultrasound of the testicles and scrotum? Read: Ultrasound of the testicles and scrotum in the diagnosis of infertility

How much do SCD and HBA tests cost and where to perform them?

SCD and HBA tests are supplementary tests in the diagnosis of male infertility. SCD test allows to detect increased fragmentation of genetic material in sperm. The most common indications for this test are recurrent miscarriages of the partner. It is estimated that more than half of recurrent miscarriages are the result of genetic defects of the fetus, which are very often caused by fragmentation of sperm DNA. Prices for the SCD test vary and depend on the facility and city in which the test is performed. On average, you need to pay about PLN 330 for an SCD examination. In some establishments, prices start from PLN 230, but can reach up to PLN 380.

The HBA test, on the other hand, is a test that complements the diagnosis of male infertility. The HBA test shows what percentage of sperm is capable of fertilizing the egg. This examination is performed in the following cases:

  1. extended semen analysis;
  2. the need for additional diagnostics of male fertility disorders;
  3. the occurrence of recurrent miscarriages in a partner;
  4. obtaining incorrect results of SCD or MSOME-6600 tests;
  5. idiopathic infertility.

You have to pay about PLN 250 for the HBA test.

More detailed information about the SCD test can be found here: SCD test in the diagnosis of male infertility.

Genetic testing of the AZF region for male infertility can also be performed. This test is performed on the basis of the analysis of a blood sample, which we can collect at home, because the test is delivered by mail.

For fertility, it is also worth using CONCEIVE PLUS Fertility Gel, which can be applied both externally and vaginally.


  1. গুগল ট্রান্সলেট দিয়ে অনুবাদ করে রেখেছে একদম ফালতু পোষ্ট, নিজের থেকে কিছুই লেখেনি। মনে হয় মাথায় সমস্যা আছে।

  2. গুগল ট্রান্সলেট দিয়ে অনুবাদ করে রেখেছে একদম ফালতু পোষ্ট, নিজের থেকে কিছুই লেখেনি। মনে হয় মাথায় সমস্যা আছে।

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