How much can a human stomach hold? Check what you know about your digestive system! QUIZ

The digestive system plays an extremely important role in the human body – no one has any doubts about that. After all, it is responsible for one of the most important functions – for nutrition. What is your knowledge of your own digestive system? Do you know where your appendix is, how much saliva you produce every day, how much capacity is your stomach? What does the bright red blood in my stool show? Check how you understand the topic and take our quiz. We mostly ask about the basics!

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1. An easy question to warm up: the organ shown in the picture is:

Photo: Shutterstock
Stomach Next question
The stomach is located at the height of the 11th vertebra of the thoracic spine and is located in the abdominal cavity. It looks like a left-curved hook

2. Now it will be a bit more difficult… How much does the digestive system of an adult human be measured?

Ok. 2 — 3 m
Ok. 5 m
Suppose 7 m
Suppose 7 m Next question
The digestive system of an adult human is approx. 740 cm (7,4 m)

3. Select a set that includes elements outside the digestive system:

Teeth, esophagus, stomach, kidneys, duodenum
Tongue, stomach, appendix, jejunum, colon
Throat, tongue, esophagus, gallbladder, appendix
Teeth, esophagus, stomach, kidneys, duodenum Next question
The organ outside the digestive system is the kidneys – organs of the urinary (genitourinary) system

4. The arrows indicate:

Photo: Shutterstock
Lymph nodes
Salivary glands
Illness changes
Salivary glands Next question
The salivary glands are glands that produce saliva but also have other important functions, including maintains the appropriate pH in the oral cavity, moisturizes its interior, has a bactericidal effect

5. What is the average capacity of the human stomach?

0,5 – 2 liters
1 — 3 liters
About 6 liters
1 — 3 liters Next question
The human stomach has an average capacity of 1 to 3 liters. It is greater in very obese people

6. It is the only organ in our body that can “repair” itself (although it is not indestructible). It is about:

The spleen
The liver
The liver Next question
Liver cells – hepatocytes – have regenerative abilities. However, it should be remembered that the regeneration of the liver after alcohol, drugs or an unhealthy diet does not happen overnight. The process of cell reconstruction is long-lasting and possible only under conditions that do not burden this organ for a long time and intensively

7. Saliva plays an important role in the digestive process. How much do we produce per day?

About half a liter
About a liter
About 1,5 liters
About 1,5 liters Next question
However, this is nothing compared to cattle or horses – their daily saliva production reaches the level of 40-60 liters

8. An adult with full teeth has:

28 teeth
32 teeth
40 teeth
32 teeth Next question
An adult who enjoys full dentition has 32 teeth – eight incisors, four canines, eight premolars and 12 molars

9. The authority marked with an arrow is:

Photo: Shutterstock
Pancreas Next question
The pancreas is a glandular organ with an irregular, elongated and flattened shape. One of its functions is the production of pancreatic juice, which is one of the digestive juices

10. Digestion of food begins at:

The oral cavity
The stomach
The oral cavity Next question
Human digestion begins in the mouth. Thanks to the presence of amylase in saliva, the process of digesting carbohydrates / sugars begins

11. Infection with it is very common. The infection can lead to gastric or duodenal ulcers, increasing the risk of developing stomach cancer. It is about:

Photo: Shutterstock
Helicobacter pylori bacteria
Bacterial infection of the stomach
Helicobacter pylori bacteria Next question
The bacteria of the species Helicobacter pylori are gram-negative and have a characteristic spiral shape, several cilia at one end that allow them 12. to move around. Helicobacter pylori causes inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa, and this can cause precancerous changes, which may turn into gastric cancer. Of course, Helicobacter pylori itself does not cause cancer! Many environmental and genetic factors can influence the development of cancer. More on this subject in the article MedTvoiLokony: https: //www.medTvoiLokony/zdrowie/zdrowie-dla-kazdego,helicobacter-pylori— symptoms—diagnostics—tests— Leczenie,artykul,1616793.html#helicobacter-pylori- factors- risk

12. Pepsin digests:

Proteins Next question
Pepsin is a digestive enzyme secreted by the stomach walls, its main task is to pre-digest proteins

13. The most important thing in treating diarrhea is:

Stop symptoms as soon as possible
Avoid dehydration
Avoid dehydration Next question
Treatment of diarrhea has one primary goal. The body must not become dehydrated. It is also impossible to disturb the water and electrolyte balance. Therefore, you should drink plenty of water or reach for an electrolyte solution

14. Which human intestine is longer – thin or thick?

They are of similar length
Thin Next question
The small intestine is the longest part of the digestive system. In an adult human, it is approx. 6 m long. The large intestine is 1,5 m long on average

15. What does the bright red blood in my stool show?

That the bleeding was probably in the upper GI tract
That the bleeding probably happened at the end of the digestive tract
Both possibilities are equally probable
That the bleeding probably happened at the end of the digestive tract Next question
If you observe intense red blood in your stool or on toilet paper, it is fresh / not digested blood. This symptom may indicate, inter alia, for damage to haemorrhoids, rupture of an anal fissure or Crohn’s disease. The presence of blood in the stool usually requires proper diagnosis – if you have this problem consult your doctor

16. The “blind bowel” is called:

Hip intestine
The colon
Appendix Next question
The appendix is ​​part of the cecum (large intestine). For many years, the appendix was considered to be completely worthless. It turns out, however, that it plays a very important role in the functioning of the immune system

17. Finish the sentence: The duodenum is located …

between the cecum and the colon
between the jejunum and the cecum
between stomach and jejunum
between stomach and jejunum Next question
The initial section of the duodenum joins the pylorus of the stomach, and the final section passes into the jejunum. The duodenum lies at the level of the first lumbar vertebra

18. Which side is the appendix on?

Most often on the left
Most often on the right
In the middle
Most often on the right Next question
The appendix is ​​located in the right iliac fossa. However, it is worth remembering that its location in each person may occur in a slightly different place. On the other hand, it is extremely rare to locate the appendix in the left iliac fossa

19. To what letter can the duodenum be likened?

C Next question
The duodenum is a tubular organ in the human body that ranges from 25 to 30 cm in length. It resembles the letter C.
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