How much calories does watermelon have? Is watermelon good for weight loss? |

In the article below you will find out, among others:

  • How much calories does watermelon have?
  • Is watermelon healthy?
  • Is watermelon dietary?
  • How to choose a watermelon?

How much calories does watermelon have?

Did you hear that a watermelon is all water? You could really say that. This fruit consists of as much as 90% of water. Thanks to this, it contains little kcal per 100g – a little over 30. The only question is who will end up eating 100g of this delicious fruit. To illustrate: a large skinless patch is about 350 g, which already gives us over 120 kcal. If you eat 2-3 such slices – which is not difficult – we already get the calorific value of an average dinner.

As for the other ingredients – the amount of vitamins is not impressive 0,03 mg% B1, 0,04 mg% B2 and 6 mg% C. minerals: 70 mg% potassium, 11 mg% calcium, 8 mg% chlorine, 8 mg% sodium, 7 mg% sulfur, 3 mg% magnesium and phosphorus, 02 mg% iron and about 0,07 mg% copper. One of the most important ingredients in watermelon is lycopene and beta carotene. These are very strong antioxidants that neutralize free radicals that destroy the body.

Is watermelon healthy?

Eating watermelon is beneficial for the body in many ways:

  • It has a diuretic effect
  • It improves metabolism
  • It prevents emergence tumors
  • It protects the eyes against macular degeneration
  • It has a positive effect on functioning cardiovascular system

Don’t look for viagra – eat a watermelon!

Surprised? And yet! This inconspicuous fruit turned out to be a rescue for all men with erection problems. Research by scientists from the University of Tel Aviz has proven that watermelon has a compound in its scale –citrulline characterized by an effect similar to the sildenafil found in Viagra. Citrulline causes blood vessels to widen, thus improving the functioning of the immune and blood systems.

Cucamelon – dietary version of watermelon

If you think you already know at least the names of all fruits, at this point I will probably surprise you. Cocamelon, because it looks like a miniature watermelon, and tastes like a combination of cucumber and lime. This fruit came to us from Mexico, so far its seeds can be bought in Great Britain.

How to choose a watermelon?

If you do not know how to choose a ripe watermelon – we have a reliable method for you. Before you put the fruit in the basket, tap it. A dull sound indicates that the watermelon is ripe and ready to eat.

Is watermelon good for weight loss?

The fact is that watermelon is low in calories, everyone will agree that 36 kcal per 100 g is not much. We also know how many grams of these we can eat at one time … What is the conclusion? Let’s eat in moderation! This principle will also work well this time. A slice of dark watermelon on a hot day will not hurt the figure.

Do you like watermelon? What are your favorite fruits in summer? Write in the comments!

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